

Profile tickets vote count list(2019/12/22)

Added by Yuuki NARA over 7 years ago

Hi All,

Thank you very much for Redmine and plugins and patches.

I am one of the Redmine User's Group management staff.
Redmine Tokyo (Redmine User's Group in JAPAN, Our Site Sorry, Japanese Only )

In order to use redmine more conveniently, we investigating remodeling and patch information in our community site.

Redmine 4.1 release anniversary and Happy New Year 2020 edition. :-)

This message is incomplete tickets vote count lists as of 2019/12/22
Redmine 4.1 release anniversary and Happy New Year 2020 edition. :-)

The list has been registered at the link below.

This time, I sorted in the following order and described only those that matched the conditions.

Sort order
+1 times in the last 2 years, total +1 times, category

In the past two years, if there is no +1,
Only those with a count of 2 or more are entered.
That's 474 cases.

The full list is available below.

Why made this list.

There are many unused tickets in website.

We think,
tickets with many +1's may have some kind of useful content,
but difficult to find.

Even if it is not commited into the repository,
there are many points to be helpful and there are also people who need it.
The author's thoughts also exist.

But it is difficult to find , then difficult to utilize.
It is regrettable.
I want to honor those tickets.

I arranged in order of the number of votes , making it easier to find.

Why change list format

The usage of Redmine is also changing.
Ten years have passed since the ticket was issued, and I thought that there are still many tickets with reduced importance.

Even if it is not included in RedmineCore, if there is Plugin or Patch, I described the contents as Workaround.

Why registere on another site

I tried to post this list to the Forum, but could not register
because only 30 lines of Textile were treated as SPAM.
I could not help it, so I registered on UnofficialCooking project and link it to

Even if the IP address was changed, it was repeatedly treated as SPAM.
Then,I couldn't upload entire list to Even if the IP address was changed, it was repeatedly treated as SPAM

I hope this list will be useful

What do you think?


Yuuki Nara

The following ticket is the original post in our site (Sorry Japanese Only)

redmineorgcopy-list.png (129 KB) redmineorgcopy-list.png
redmineorgcopy-vote.png (144 KB) redmineorgcopy-vote.png
redmineorg-422.png (59.4 KB) redmineorg-422.png Even if the IP address was changed, it was repeatedly treated as SPAM

Replies (21)

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago

Yuuki NARA wrote:


What do you think?

I think this and the other extended lists are an awesome source for finding the interest of the community. As such they are, I think, a very valuable contribution. Thanks for creating and sharing them.

Note: I'll set this topic to be sticky so it becomes easier to find.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Yuuki NARA over 7 years ago

Mischa, thanks for your comment and setting sticky.

I will post other lists , in a few days.

I hope everyone will be useful.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Yuuki NARA over 7 years ago

Released the remaining list. incomplete tickets vote count lists as of 2017/1/7
Lists were split because there are many cases(over 900)

100~5 tickets vote count list(2019/12/22)
This Message
4,3 incomplete tickets vote count list(4,3 cases )
2 incomplete tickets vote count list(2 cases )
1 incomplete tickets vote count list(1 case )

I hope this list will be useful

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU almost 7 years ago

Yuuki NARA, thanks for creating these lists and for sharing them with the community. I'm wondering if it's easy for you to update these lists? I'm asking because Redmine 3.4.0 closed some of the most voted tickets.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Yuuki NARA almost 7 years ago

Hi, Marius.

Thanks for your comment.

How about with the following correspondence?

I will delete items completed in 3.4 from vote count list.

I will not delete items completed in 4.0 .
Because it can not be used yet.

After Redmine 4.0 is released, i will Update the whole list.


RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU almost 7 years ago

Sounds good for me. I thought that you use a script or something like that to generate the reports, but if is only manual work, don't bother too much.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Yuuki NARA almost 7 years ago

Hi, Marius.

I deleted items completed in 3.4 from vote count list.

I left only #10485.
Because it is schduled for treatment at Ver4.0

Most of the work is scripted.
But,it took me an hour to download 4700 issue XML files. (^^;

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by @ go2null almost 7 years ago

How about using number of watchers to correlate interest?

See Feature #17288 Use Watcher Count as a poor man's Voting system on for a description of a simple implementation.

This woukd make it transparent, and avoid the +1 spam.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Bernhard Rohloff almost 7 years ago

@ go2null A voting plugin is available, too and the original issue #1011 will have its 10th anniversary in April this year. It seems, there aren't many dwarfs left in the halls of Moria to hear your suggestion. Perhaps you would have more luck in the #IRC channel. tickets vote count list 2018/01 version - Added by Yuuki NARA over 6 years ago

I updated vote count list.
This list is 2018 New Year version.

I will update this list,when Redmine4.0 released.

I separated one thing with +1 more than five and 1-4 things.
1-4 cases were sorted by category first, sorted by number of votes and update date and time.

Reason for division
· There are many proponents who have more than 5 cases, and it seems necessary to judge the contents on a case by case basis.
· It is easier to correlate in categories than one difference.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Yuuki NARA about 6 years ago

I discussed with Go.MAEDA and created note count list too.

The number of issue comments express the lively activity of the discussion.
It is considered to be an index of interest concerning the contents of the issue.

I hope this will help.

RedmineOrg-IssueNoteCountList-20180708.xlsx (415 KB) RedmineOrg-IssueNoteCountList-20180708.xlsx Issue note count list (2018/07/08)

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by crypto gopher about 6 years ago

Recently I started working on plugin that allows to vote on issues by sending crypto tokens. This way people can not only show interest in resolution of particular issue, but also incentivise it.

At this point plugin has very basic functionality. There is yet a lot to be done to use it in real life. But you can take a look at it:

I would be happy to work on it further if there is interest.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Yuuki NARA almost 6 years ago

I created a prototype site of the ticket voting function of the site.

I will let it run during November.
Please try operation.(vote,comment,, available)
I am waiting for your comments.

The contents I carried out are as follows.

Copied the redmineorg ticket.
Gathered plus 1 of the existing ticket.
Ticket vote function added.
(For each ticket, one vote is possible for each login ID)

For the Vote function, we used the following plug-in.

The site URL are as follows. (Operating in 2019/12/22

URL as of 2018/12

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by crypto gopher almost 6 years ago

Yuuki NARA wrote:

(For each ticket, one vote is possible for each login ID)

One downside of such solution is that people can be motivated to create multiple accounts to upvote tickets of their interest/downvote others.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by Yuuki NARA almost 6 years ago

crypto gopher wrote:

One downside of such solution is that people can be motivated to create multiple accounts to upvote tickets of their interest/downvote others.

That's right.

However, it is still possible to increase the number of Votes by using multiple IDs, even now.

This method can be easily executed, and fairness among tickets can be secured.

Please tell me if there is any other good way.

RE: tickets vote count list - Added by crypto gopher almost 6 years ago

Yuuki NARA wrote:

Please tell me if there is any other good way.

I'm not saying that this method is inappropriate for Redmine. It may work depending on community culture.

I think that robust voting system should rely on some scarce resource to provide reliable results. Voter identity ('account') is to some degree scarce - as it requires time (which is strongly limited) to create additional identities. Still the relatively short time needed to create identities may set this price on too low level.

Best idea that I can think of at this point is to vote with crypto tokens (given that they are limited or have any economic value). I posted it here in #29758. I also wrote a proof of concept plugin You may want to have a look if you didn't see it before.

RE: tickets vote count list(2018/12/15) - Added by Anonymous over 5 years ago

crypto gopher wrote:

Best idea that I can think of at this point is to vote with crypto tokens (given that they are limited or have any economic value). I posted it here in #29758. I also wrote a proof of concept plugin You may want to have a look if you didn't see it before.

It's cool idea, however, it turns a voting system into something more sophisticated than it has to be while also making people deal with bitcoins, which seems sketchy for sure.
I believe the identity duplicate protection should not be implemented in the voting system itself, it should be implemented on the level of registration process, which should consist of following layers:
1. Easy integration of own reCaptcha via Google to filter bots.
2. Easy integration of own 2FA via Google or MS in the core Redmine, and then to fill phone number and confirm it at least once would need to be required during registration. Then obviously it would then not allow another user with the same phone number.

I think keeping it simple as Yuuki NARA suggested in the prototype would be the best.

RE: tickets vote count list(2019/12/22) - Added by Yuuki NARA almost 5 years ago

This message is incomplete tickets vote count lists as of 2019/12/22
Redmine 4.1 release anniversary and Happy New Year 2020 edition. :-)

plus1-2years plus1 comments category issue_org_id Subject Target Version WorkAround
11 20 53 Email notifications #13919 Mention user on comment/description using user user with autocomplete 4.2.0
11 11 31 Translations #29045 Change Japanese translation for Tracker Use redmine-org-29164
8 55 112 Issues #5358 Share Issues Categories for sub-projects Use patched Code
8 41 72 Issues #7360 Issue Custom Query: Default Query Unplanned backlogs Use Plugin
8 15 28 REST API #16069 Allow configuration of API limit instead of hardcoding at 100 Candidate for next major release
5 35 153 Issues workflow #12005 Mightful workflow field enhancement: hide Use Plugin
( hide or show core fields based on the user roles per project. )

If it is longer than this, it will be treated as SPAM and registration will fail, so I registered on another site.
Please refer to the following.

RE: tickets vote count list(2019/12/22) - Added by jaattvishal jaattvishal about 3 years ago

I think that robust voting system should rely on some scarce resource to provide reliable results. Voter identity ('account') is to some degree scarce - as it requires time (which is strongly limited) to create additional identities. Still the relatively short time needed to create identities may set this price on too low level.
