



Patch #29045


Change Japanese translation for Tracker

Added by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago. Updated 9 months ago.

Target version:
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The current Japanese translation for the word "tracker" is "トラッカー". It is not a true translation but just an imitation of English pronunciation of "tracker". So, most Japanese people cannot understand the word "トラッカー" without someone's explanation.

I suggest changing "トラッカー" to "チケット種別" (means "issue type"). It is very clear and people can easily understand the use of trackers.


ja_translation_change_tracker.diff (7.64 KB) ja_translation_change_tracker.diff Go MAEDA, 2018-06-18 06:50
trackers-index@2x.png (41.8 KB) trackers-index@2x.png Go MAEDA, 2018-06-18 09:00
issues-index@2x.png (32.3 KB) issues-index@2x.png Go MAEDA, 2018-06-18 09:01
issues-edit@2x.png (41.6 KB) issues-edit@2x.png Go MAEDA, 2018-06-18 09:02
issues-edit-v2@2x.png (43 KB) issues-edit-v2@2x.png Go MAEDA, 2018-06-20 09:39
ja_translation_change_tracker-v2.diff (7.65 KB) ja_translation_change_tracker-v2.diff Go MAEDA, 2018-06-20 09:41
180621_01_ss.jpg (24.9 KB) 180621_01_ss.jpg Masakazu IZUI, 2018-06-21 01:56
Actions #1

Updated by Hirofumi Kadoya over 6 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Yuuki NARA over 6 years ago


I agree with this fix.
In Japanese, "トラッカー" is not a general term, it does not understand intuitively what it means.
If it is "チケット種別" (means "issue type") its meaning is easy to infer.

Actions #4

Updated by Akipii Oga over 6 years ago

I also ageree.

Actions #5

Updated by Masakazu IZUI over 6 years ago

Yes, I agree, too.
Documentations and manuals are to be changed, but it must progress the understandability of Japanese ordinary people.

Actions #6

Updated by ryou soda over 6 years ago

I am also a Japanese. I think that this change is reasonable.

Actions #7

Updated by Kohei Nakamura over 6 years ago

"The tracker" explained the kind of the form.
I thought that was troublesome every time.

Actions #8

Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 6 years ago


Actions #9

Updated by Takenori TAKAKI over 6 years ago

I also agree with this fix.

Actions #10

Updated by beko akabeko over 6 years ago

I would like the unification of "Roadmap/ロードマップ" and "Version/バージョン" related to this issue.

Actions #11

Updated by Goh Matsumoto over 6 years ago

I agree that "トラッカー" isn't well known in Japan
and many Japanese can't imagine the meanings.

What's the difference between the tracker and the category?
Does the tracker express the issue's type?

In my opinion, the tracker expresses workflow's name or type.
So, I suggest "ワークフロー" or "ワークフロー種別".

On a separate note, I also think the workflow menu and the tracker menu shouldn't be divided.

Actions #12

Updated by Masakazu IZUI over 6 years ago

-> #29045-11

Workflows are set to every tracker, and, property-sets are also set to every tracker.
Thus, the name of tracker depends on which materials are to be enphasized for our users.

Most users are not very aware of workflows of tickets on making or editing them, but are aware of the property-sets.
Workflows are probably the second side of trackers, and property-sets are the primal options of them, I thought.

So, I prefer the name "チケット種別", which means "issue type" implying property-sets, to "ワークフロー種別" which means "workflow type".

Actions #13

Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago

Goh Matsumoto wrote:

In my opinion, the tracker expresses workflow's name or type.
So, I suggest "ワークフロー" or "ワークフロー種別".

Thank you for your feedback. But I still prefer "チケット種別" than "ワークフロー種別". The reasons are as follows:

  • A tracker defines not only workflow but also a set of fields. The word "ワークフロー種別" (workflow type) expresses only one of them and emphasizes workflow too much. I think "チケット種別" (issue type) includes both meanings.
  • "ワークフロー種別" (workflow type) is rather long. The tracker field will be wide when displaying issues list.

But I can agree with your opinion that it is a little bit difficult to distinguish "チケット種別" (issue type) and "カテゴリ" (category) for users.

Actions #14

Updated by Mitsuyoshi Kawabata over 6 years ago

I also think the change should be made because it is easier to understand.

Actions #15

Updated by Tatsuya Saito over 6 years ago


Actions #16

Updated by Yuuki NARA over 6 years ago

I think that it is better for the Japanese display of Tracker to be unified by "チケット種別" without mixing "チケット種別" and "種別".

The reason is as follows

In order not to be misunderstood, consistency of the terms is necessary.

"種別" and "カテゴリ" are sometimes used in a close sense, so it is easy to misunderstand.

Actions #17

Updated by Goh Matsumoto over 6 years ago

It's right that fields depend on the tracker.
But I think first about the workflow when I add a new tracker.
I create new tracker when there is no appropriate workflow,
but I don't create only because the appropriate field set doesn't exists.

That's OK.
I understand.

it is a little bit difficult to distinguish "チケット種別" (issue type) and "カテゴリ" (category) for users.

How do you explain the difference?
The answer may be one of better translations.
I can't discriminate "種別" from "種類" which category means...

Actions #18

Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago

I have updated the patch. In the previous patch, I used "種別" instead of "チケット種別" on some pages. The updated patch uses "チケット種別" for all pages.

I think it can mitigate the confusion between "種別" and "カテゴリ".

Previous patch:

Updated patch:

Actions #19

Updated by Masakazu IZUI over 6 years ago

  • How about "仕分け" ...?

Actions #20

Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago

Masakazu IZUI wrote:

  • How about "仕分け" ...?

Which "仕分け" means trackers or categories?

Actions #21

Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago

Yuuki NARA wrote:

I think that it is better for the Japanese display of Tracker to be unified by "チケット種別" without mixing "チケット種別" and "種別".

Done in #29045#note-18.

Actions #22

Updated by Masakazu IZUI over 6 years ago


“仕分け” means categories, sorry.

Actions #23

Updated by Masakazu IZUI over 6 years ago

It whould be like "型".
"Category", as it is.

#-- いっそ「型」にしてしまうというのはどうでしょうか(トラッカー)。
#-- カテゴリはカテゴリのまま据え置きで。

Actions #24

Updated by Go MAEDA over 6 years ago

Masakazu IZUI wrote:

It whould be like "型".
"Category", as it is.

#-- いっそ「型」にしてしまうというのはどうでしょうか(トラッカー)。
#-- カテゴリはカテゴリのまま据え置きで。

I think "型" is difficult to understand if the user is not a programmer. Maybe many people are not familiar with the concept of "型" (type, class).

/* ja

Actions #25

Updated by Toru Takahashi over 6 years ago

I don't agree this translation proposal.

"tracker" contains the meaning of tracking the issue's status changes.
"種別[shubetsu] aka type" does not contains.
Besides, the word "type" is very similar to the word "category".

It may be difficult to find a suitable japanese word for "tracker".
Until we find a suitable word to translate,
it is better to keep current translated word "トラッカー[torakkaa] aka represents tracker's pronouciation".

Actions #26

Updated by ume san almost 6 years ago

I would like to leave tracker ( want to no change ). ( #29045-25 +1 )

/* ja
"トラッカー"のまま変更しないことを望みます。 (#29045-25 に賛成です。)

下記ブログの"チケット" のように、"トラッカー"の方が具体的・限定的な意味が少なく、幅広い用途で使える可能性はないでしょうか?

Actions #27

Updated by ume san almost 6 years ago

I also thought about another.

In Japanese, ITS (Issue Tracking System) is often called "課題管理システム(issue/problem management system)" / BTS (Bug Tracking System) is "バグ管理システム(bug management system". In other words, "tracking" ~= "管理(management)". So, "tracker" ~= "管理種別(management type)" or "チケット管理種別(ticket management type)".

Actions #28

Updated by Yuuki NARA almost 6 years ago

The function of Redmine is flexible, and it can be used in various ways in a wide range.
However, because the names of each term are fixed, it is not suitable for individual use, and it may be difficult to use Redmine.

If we add a mechanism to overwrite the definitions of terms on Redmine administration screen,
It registers a YML file which overwrites only a part of terms,

I made following issue.

Make the terms overwrite from the Redmine administration screen.

Actions #29

Updated by kaz k almost 6 years ago

I hope to keep the term "トラッカー" as the translation of "tracker".
  1. Many of alternative proposals (ideas) have their meanings or backgrounds, different from "tracker". It may make confusions.
  2. The translation is better to be straight from original (or major (default) language), except for the case if the translated term is very difficult to understand.
    • If you want to search information related to "トラッカー" on the net other than Japanese, you could simply use "trackers" as the search string. Many pages would be found written in English or some other languages.
      Suppose if other term ( say "hogehoge" ) is used in Japanese edition for tracker, you must understand "hogehoge" is the local term for "tracker" and search with "tracker". Otherwise, you could not find much information on the net ...
    • "トラッカー" is getting used common in Japanese in my point of view. ("トラッキング" is more, I think.)


Actions #30

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago

There are considerable numbers of objections for the change. I don't think this change can be committed.

Actions #31

Updated by Kuniharu AKAHANE almost 6 years ago

--- Japanese Part ---

  • 意見者の背景
    Redmineを利用して10年余りになります。主に製造業の業務システムと装置研究開発向けのIssue Tracking System及び知識基盤としてRedmineを利用しています。現在、国内外1400名の利用者があり、300プロジェクトに40万チケットが記録され、閲覧回数は70万ページビュー/月です。( 事例紹介論文とスライド
  • 意見
  • 理由
    Redmine における Issue Trackerとは、課題を解決に導くための戦略をパッケージ化して、ITSプロジェクト毎の取捨選択を可能にしたものなのです。
    ゆえに、Redmineの最大の価値を体現している Issue Tracker の和訳には、追跡戦略、パターンといった特徴が包含され、利用者に向けて表現されていなければなりません。
--- English Part ---
  • My back ground
    I have been using Redmine for 10 years and use Redmine as a Issue Tracking System for enterprise software systems and hardware device R&D knowledge-base at manufacturing company in japan.There are 1,400 Redmine users world-wide, 400,000 issues on 300 projects and 700,000 page-views per one month.
  • Opinion
    I do not agree with the proposed translation, Tracker as 'チケット種別'.
    The translated word of 'Tracker' should be kept as 'トラッカー', or could be changed to '課題追跡様式' (means Issue tracking pattern) in Japanese.
  • Reason
    IMHO, the core value of Redmine is the Issue Tracking System with strategic tracking patterns.
    The key factor, complicated issue can be solved or not , is selection of strategy.
    In the context of the Issue Tracking System, strategy is issue tracker, and each tracker has pattern and flow.
    The strategy which should be chose is different, because every project has it's own field and objective. That's why Redmine projects can make a choice of trackers.
    So, translated field name of issue tracker in Japanese should have the particular specialties such as generalized designs, tracking strategies, patterns and flows.
Actions #32

Updated by Go MAEDA 9 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

I withdraw this proposal.


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