


Plugins Directory

Here you can browse and search Redmine plugins. Plugin developers can register their own plugins using their account. General information about Redmine plugins and how to install them into your Redmine can be found at Plugins.

New Plugins

Westaco Activity+

This plugin adds additional filtering options in Activity Tab and also the possibility to define a time interval for displaying the activities carried out in that time interval. It supports a query form (with filters, columns etc) similar to the quer...

By Westaco Express


Tags Plugin by Redmineflux

The Redmineflux Tag Plugin is a powerful extension of Redmine, that allows users to add tags to various entities. Tags provide a flexible and efficient way to categorize and organize issues, time entries, making it easier to search for and retrieve rel...

By Zehntech Technologies Inc


Redmine Announcement Plugin by Redmineflux

The Redmineflux Announcement Plugin allows administrators to manage and display announcements within Redmine. This plugin provides a convenient way to share important messages, updates, or alerts with users.

Key features of Redmineflux announcem...

By Zehntech Technologies Inc



Download All Attachments in current issue

Adds a download button to zip and download all attachments for an issue.
>This Plugin supports all the Redmine version
>If only one attachments button is hide if more th...

By Vaibhav Petkar


Redmine Wiki Text Colorizer

This plugin adds two buttons to jsToolBar to output HTML tags for changing the text color and background color.


1. Select the text you want to format.

By Yasu Saku


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