



Feature #5450


Move wiki page to other project

Added by Peter Schuster over 14 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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I would like to move wiki pages between projects.
Just like it is possible for issues.

Would be cool to see this implemented in an upcoming release.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #5457: Move files and documets to another projectNew2010-05-06

Related to Redmine - Defect #20356: Wiki gets destroyed after renameNew

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #7276: Easily move Wiki site between projectsClosed2011-01-11

Is duplicate of Redmine - Feature #1026: Add ability to move complete wiki from one project to anotherClosed2008-04-09

Actions #1

Updated by Frederik Dannemare over 14 years ago

Peter Schuster wrote:

I would like to move wiki pages between projects.
Just like it is possible for issues.

Would be cool to see this implemented in an upcoming release.

I second that. Would be very useful IMO.

Actions #2

Updated by Mike Stupalov over 14 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Terence Mill about 14 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by Željko Trogrlić about 14 years ago


Actions #5

Updated by Terence Mill about 14 years ago

Is there a workaround at the moment?

Actions #6

Updated by Željko Trogrlić about 14 years ago

Terence Mill wrote:

Is there a workaround at the moment?

I had to split project in two, so I copied whole project and deleted unnecessary pages from both projects.

Actions #7

Updated by Terence Mill about 14 years ago

Željko Trogrlić wrote:

Terence Mill wrote:

Is there a workaround at the moment?

I had to split project in two, so I copied whole project and deleted unnecessary pages from both projects.

Hmm..i wanna move sites to existing project, so this aproach won't work.

Actions #8

Updated by Artem Laskov about 14 years ago


Actions #9

Updated by Fardeen GHULAM over 13 years ago

+ 1

Actions #10

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

This is a dupe of Issue #7276

Actions #11

Updated by Ludovic Gasc over 13 years ago


Actions #12

Updated by Thomas Harris over 13 years ago


Actions #13

Updated by Kristian Lein-Mathisen over 13 years ago

Apparently, you can move wiki pages if you have database access:

Better back-up first though :)

Actions #14

Updated by Thomas Zlika over 13 years ago


Actions #15

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago


Actions #16

Updated by David Parker over 13 years ago


Actions #17

Updated by Maxim Nikolaevich over 13 years ago

I want to describe how it will be useful.
Links should not contain project-id ex:
so anyone who link to wiki page like

will link to page of any project (now it links to current project only)
at second need the button in the right up corner of wiki page (near buttons Edit Watch History) with name "move"
about permisson setting to show this button i can't suggest but probably enough permission for it is "Rename wiki pages" or "Manage wiki" (i dislike idea to do new permission checkmark for this action but probably you think so)
Thank you for your time.

Actions #18

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

The approach of global name space for wiki pages, as done for issue is nice, but in the wiki context the unqiue ids are the wiki page name and this is quite good for restful urls also but not if you can't give same name twice for different wiki pages in different projects.
This same collission "problem" will occur very soon and often, let me show:

Ones Projkect always will have a page called

  • help
  • knowhow
  • installation
  • faq
  • about
    just some examples.

How will you carry for unqiue names and make clear to the second one giving the same name, thats he isn't allowed because there's someone already taken in a another project your never care about and never heard of.

You could completly change the unqiue id same as for issues with numbers, but i don't like that because names adresses far better and leave it easy as it.
Another approach ind the mid way- make the sites available on two adresses. On the project via well know wiki name as it, and a new url which is global and adresses the wiki page via and id, that is given automatically and should be shown in a upper corner for everybody to use and link it. This number maybe already exists in a technical way in db, and we only would need the second adressing shema, the view change to show the number. That will keep the well know adressing and make available another one,m that will persist even when wiki page project changes, done by a move page. Of course the projects adress will no longer work if you have moved the site, but you don't have to use it so far.

Two adressing shema for wiki pages example

1. redmine original adressing:
2. new additionly approach :<MyWikiPageInternal_ID> e.g
3. It would also work if you adress the site this way, which means you even don't have to know where the wiki site is managed at the moment, as long as you know the id. This behaviour is already well known from issues.

1. will be lost when move > dead end > 404
2. could be automtatically forwarded ( in case of move and renaming) by simply lookup in database for <MyWikiPageInternal_ID> and redirect to browser
3. will work (beyond moves and renaming) as long wiki site is not deleted

Actions #19

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

Of course as wiki syntax, wiki sites in same projects should be linkable as it.

[[MyWIkiPageInSameProject|my wiki page in same project]]

as ist dhould be possible to links wiki pages in other projects via name and id

[[projectname MyWIkiPageInOtherProject]]
[[projectname MyWIkiPageInOtherProject|my wiki page in other project]]
Actions #20

Updated by André Bachmann about 13 years ago


To fiddle around with the database is a workaround, but not a nice one...

Actions #21

Updated by Tiago Franco about 13 years ago


Actions #22

Updated by Martin G almost 13 years ago


Actions #23

Updated by Paul paul over 12 years ago


Actions #24

Updated by Tomasz Sawicki over 12 years ago

Additional option for copying with child pages would be also nice...

Actions #25

Updated by Thien Vuong over 12 years ago

+ 1

Actions #26

Updated by Cassiano Monteiro over 12 years ago

It´s very common to start some wikipage that turns into a new project.

Actions #27

Updated by Waleed Anbar over 12 years ago


Actions #28

Updated by Johann Gail over 12 years ago

In reply to Terence Mill #19:
At least a cross project link is already possible with the syntax [[project:title]]

Actions #29

Updated by Terence Mill over 12 years ago

I think you missed my comment #18:

THis was targeted towards how wiki linking could also work for my new adressinh shema to make is easily possible to move wiki pages around like don for issues.
I know that you can cross ref wiki sites already, but that has nothing todo with moving. Moving can imply complete new hierarchy and rights for the site.

Johann Gail wrote:

In reply to Terence Mill #19:
At least a cross project link is already possible with the syntax [[project:title]]

Actions #30

Updated by Doruk Fişek over 12 years ago

I second this feature too.

Actions #32

Updated by Paul paul about 12 years ago

Is there a plugin to do that? AFAIK it's just an SQL query to update the project_id?

Actions #33

Updated by Caille Rotie about 12 years ago

You must also redirect existing links with the name of new project
[[title]] or [[project:title]] becomes [[new_project:title]]

Actions #34

Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 11 years ago


Actions #35

Updated by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

Paul paul wrote:

Is there a plugin to do that? AFAIK it's just an SQL query to update the project_id?

No, its not because wiki sites have absolute project specific url, so it would need an new model.
See my comments #5450#note-18

Actions #36

Updated by Markus Pins over 11 years ago


Actions #37

Updated by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

i enhanced my original solution (see #5450#note-18 ). Form my view this solution is very good, as it solves the problem and stays compatible with current shema as copies big parts of the approach how its already done for issues.

Would be really great to see this feature in next version, as there is really a big commandment in community and a clear approach to do so - see the many votes here.


Actions #38

Updated by Gergely Nagy over 11 years ago


(BTW, any idea on how votes are taken into account? maybe it would be nice to have a searchable Votes custom field?)

Actions #39

Updated by K. Scott Tripp over 11 years ago


As for registering votes, take a look at feature #1011

Actions #40

Updated by Thomas Robbs about 11 years ago

+1 for this.

Would be useful if it were just added to the "rename" function - i.e. allow you to change the project association on that form.

Rename is useful to attach this to because it also allows you to setup forwarding.

also, +1 the +1 feature @ #1011

Actions #41

Updated by D K about 11 years ago


Actions #42

Updated by Andreas Eberharter about 11 years ago


Actions #43

Updated by Hisham Said almost 11 years ago


Actions #44

Updated by Pawel Orzechowski almost 11 years ago


Actions #45

Updated by Martin Dumont almost 11 years ago


Actions #46

Updated by Daniel Felix almost 11 years ago

Well, I've had the same issue. I just manipulated the corresponding database tables and moved the wiki pages to another Project. Just a small update. :-)

Actions #47

Updated by Tiago Franco over 10 years ago


Actions #48

Updated by Neimar Volpini over 10 years ago


Actions #49

Updated by Maoke Jackson over 10 years ago


Actions #50

Updated by Pierrick Perret over 10 years ago

+2 !

Actions #51

Updated by Rick Hunnicutt over 10 years ago

+1 (does +1 even help???)

Actions #52

Updated by Kevin Palm about 10 years ago


Actions #53

Updated by Salvo Rapisarda about 10 years ago


Actions #54

Updated by Andrew vonderLuft about 10 years ago


Actions #55

Updated by Stefan Mischke about 10 years ago


Actions #56

Updated by asd asd almost 10 years ago


Actions #57

Updated by Dietmar H almost 10 years ago


Actions #58

Updated by Josef Reichardt almost 10 years ago


Actions #59

Updated by sebastien lemaitre almost 10 years ago


Actions #60

Updated by Deoren Moor almost 10 years ago


So far we've been doing the following:

  1. Creating a new parent page outside of the "root", i.e., "Content that has been moved"
  2. Creating a new page in another project
  3. Cut/paste content from the old page
  4. Save the new page
  5. Root the old page to "Content that has been moved"
  6. Add a link from the old page to the new one to catch any links to that old page

Now if you visit the old wiki index page (and say you were using the {{child_pages}} macro there) the old page will no longer show in the list. It's crude/simple, but it worked when we recently consolidated our documentation from separate projects into one central documentation project.

Actions #61

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
  • Target version set to 3.0.0
Actions #62

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Feature added in r13643.

You can now move a wiki page to another project from the "Rename" form. When moving a page with child pages, child pages are moved too.

Actions #63

Updated by Deoren Moor almost 10 years ago

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

Feature added in r13643.

You can now move a wiki page to another project from the "Rename" form. When moving a page with child pages, child pages are moved too.

How will references to the old location work? Will a redirect be added which sends the user to the new project/page location? We're really looking forward to this feature!

Actions #64

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 10 years ago

Yes, this is exactly what happens when you move a page.

Actions #65

Updated by Andrew vonderLuft almost 10 years ago

any chance this could be merged into 2.6-stable branch? Thanks.

Actions #66

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 9 years ago

  • Related to Defect #20356: Wiki gets destroyed after rename added

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