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Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Holger Just almost 15 years ago
Hi all,
Recently, there have been discussions on IRC about the long term direction for Redmine. Topics include:
- nurturing the growing community
- project governance
- future direction of Redmine development
These discussions led into the idea of having a of regular meeting of Redmine maintainers, contributors, plugin authors, and users. We try to turn this into a platform for discussing the general direction of Redmine, prioritizing, and voting on features and coming up with great ideas for Redmine.
I'm currently a bit unsure about the exact list of topic that should be covered as well as the process such a meeting should follow, but I am sure, we can work this out in the next few days.
Redmine has a great community of developers, contributors and users and it's growing daily. As such it would be very sad if some capable and willing developers would hesitate on contributing their time and skills because of a perceived lack of governance. We should come together as a community to make Redmine the best project management tool on earth :)
I propose to have a meeting on a monthly basis on irc:// To get the thing started, I suggest to have the first meeting on April, 23 (Friday in two weeks) at:
- 10:00 San Francisco
- 13:00 New York
- 18:00 London (GMT)
- 19:00 Paris, Berlin
- 03:00 (on April, 24) Sydney
If you would be interested in attending, please post a comment below. Also post if you have any topic suggestions.
Replies (42)
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by James Turnbull almost 15 years ago
As a user and hack-n-slash contributer to Redmine I'd be interested.
I'm also the release manager for Puppet - a Ruby-based configuration management tool - and I can offer some ideas on project governance and release management if those are needed. I am in the AEST timezone (Melbourne, Australia) and 3am is a bit difficult for me. If we moved the meeting three hours earlier I'd be much more able to attend.
James Turnbull
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago
Je voudrais demander à JPL: S'il vous plaît répondez et faites tout votre possible pour assister à cette réunion. Sans votre participation, tout cela sera assez inutile, puisque la plupart des choses en cours de discussion sont contrôlés uniquement par vous. Ne laissez pas des barrières de langue ou le manque de temps vous empêcher d'y assister. Ce projet repose entièrement sur vos épaules, et nous ne voulons que vous aider!
I would like to put a direct request to JPL: Please Please do respond and do all possible to attend this meeting. Without your participation it is rather pointless, as most of the things being discussed are controlled only by you. Please do not allow any perceived language or time barriers prevent you from attending. This project lies entirely on your shoulders, and we just want to help!
En tant que grand supporteur de ce projet, je ferai de mon mieux pour tre aussi
As an adamant supporter of this project, I will do my very best to be there also!
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
I'll attend too, but only if the main devs (JPLang and EDavis as I see it) attend too, I don't want this to become some sort of a parallel meeting or anything.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Eric Davis almost 15 years ago
I'll rearrange my schedule to make it. With 1.0 on it's way it's really important that the community gets together and starts to organize around some common goals.
Topics I propose are:
- 1.0 feature set
- 1.1 ideas
- Getting some informal teams started (e.g. documentation team, plugin team, LDAP team)
- Making it easier to find and use plugins
- Getting some contributors to the official RedmineBlog
- Moving forward on the official logo
I'm Pacific time (PDT -7 GMT) so this proposal would be at 10am my time.
Eric Davis
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Shane Pearlman almost 15 years ago
I totally agree Khalsa Singh's request. Jean Phillipe, your attendance would be invaluable.
I'll second Eric's topic list. I'd like to add one or two as well (although it may be too ambitious and fit into the 1.1 idea)
- Defining & publicizing a clear mission statement for the project (it might exist but not enough people seem aware of it)
- Taking themeing a further step forward
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 15 years ago
Of course I'd be happy to participate in those meetings but I'm afraid I won't be available next week.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Holger Just almost 15 years ago
Great to hear from you, Jean-Philippe and Eric. With you two on board this has to be a success! I think, one of the most important requirements is the attendance of you two. So we should try to find a date which fits both of your schedules well.
To accommodate this I would like to propose a new date (a week later, three hours earlier):
Friday, 2010-04-30 15:00 GMT 7:00 San Francisco 10:00 New York 16:00 Paris, Berlin 00:00 (on May, 1) Sydney
Also I have added a wiki page on DevMeetings. Here we should collect topic proposals and organizational stuff. That way, nothing gets lost. Discussions should take place in the forum though.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Eric Davis almost 15 years ago
Holger Just wrote:
To accommodate this I would like to propose a new date (a week later, three hours earlier):
Friday, 2010-04-30
15:00 GMT
7:00 San Francisco
This is early but I can make it.
Eric Davis
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Holger Just almost 15 years ago
Eric Davis wrote:
This is early but I can make it.
At the end, it's going to be a trade-off between you west-coast guys and the Asia-Pacific region (Japan, Australia, ...) I'm in the middle of those extremes so I'm rather safe :)
Could the related persons (James Turnbull et al.) please speak up so we can find a final date? Also Jean-Philippe, is the new propose date okay with you?
On another note, I have just added some additional topic proposals to the wiki page. These are in my eyes some of the more important (and high impact) outstanding requests currently.
- Rethinking Roles / Permissions
- private Issues #337
- official API for authentication plugins
Private issues are a long standing feature request. I think, this should be taken even further and use the "newly" introduced groups for restricting access to certain issues. This however will really strain the current role/permission system.
Also some people asked to integrate their own authentication methods and define priorities. I think there should be an easy and extandable API for that. Integration in e.g. Apache is also very important here.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Constellation Media almost 15 years ago
I'd be interested in contributing to the documentation team and possibly some plugin development and codebase improvement. I'll be there; looking forward to it.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago
I'm happy with the new proposed date/time.
I agree whole-heartedly with your two additions Holger. Obviously I'm very keen on the permissions issue
I think we should restructure the wiki page to be more of an agenda of the meeting (once the topics are locked down)
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by James Turnbull almost 15 years ago
I'll try to be there - it's obviously very late here and if you hear snoring that'll be me having dozed off. :)
Otherwise fine - can we publish a clear time/date and details on how to join the call?
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
I should be able to participate too.
James Turnbull wrote:
Otherwise fine - can we publish a clear time/date and details on how to join the call?
First post says IRC :-)
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Eric Davis almost 15 years ago
Holger Just wrote:
- official API for authentication plugins
I'm working on a new authentication plugin and have some updates I'll be adding to the core soon (once all the bugs are worked out). This would also be a good time to extract the OpenID support into an official plugin.
James Turnbull wrote:
I'll try to be there - it's obviously very late here and if you hear snoring that'll be me having dozed off. :)
Yet another reason to move to Portland. ;)
Eric Davis
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago
I have added some updates to the wiki page, please review.
Also, I feel that we should have the proposed topics set by Monday, April 19 as "Agreed upon" topics. Let's get some discussion going on the topics here.
Sidenote: #redmine on Freenode is where this whole proposal came to life, and is where a lot of discussions happen now. I would encourage everyone to come idle and chitchat with us there. If you don't know how to connect, you can use this webclient to join us!
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
I'll be there.
Usability is one topic I'd like to discuss, with possible ways to help the non-technical end-users of the various websites using this software.
PS - Last time I tried helping a user in the IRC channel it told me I was banned so my messages didn't go through, even though I can join the channel without a problem. I know it isn't the channel modes either since this doesn't happen on other channels with the same modes so my best guess would be that my host is on the +q (quiet) list for some reason (possibly the javascript spam problem freenode had a few months back?).
Can someone please look into this? My nick is MikeXIII
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago
01:32:50 >>> Irssi: No bans in channel #redmine
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Holger Just almost 15 years ago
On #redmine there is currently a restriction in place which only allows registered users to speak. For details on registering your nick on freenode see On #redmine-dev there is currently no such restriction.
I just edited the date in the wiki to the new proposed date on April 30, 15:00 GMT which everybody seemed to agree on. That way, we have a little bit more time and the chance of Jean-Philippe joining us is higher :) Regarding the new date I would propose the topic freeze a week later on Monday, April 26.
Muntek Singh: /me likes your proposals. If you are willing to take the burden, I would hereby propose you as the meeting master / moderator.
Michael Glyebov K: Please add yourself to the Wiki page.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Holger Just almost 15 years ago
Looks like I'm really bad with time zones... London has currently daylight saving time, so the new proposed time is actually 14:00 UTC, 15:00 London time. The rest of the stated times does not change.
Thanks for pointing that out, Gregor.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago
Holger Just wrote:
On #redmine there is currently a restriction in place which only allows registered users to speak.
Whoops, forgot about the quite list, is fixed now (thanks to edavis)
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Khalsa Singh wrote:
Holger Just wrote:
On #redmine there is currently a restriction in place which only allows registered users to speak.
Whoops, forgot about the quite list, is fixed now (thanks to edavis)
Thanks ;)
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Alex Last almost 15 years ago
Topic suggestion: "Redmine roadmap for using as a project management/scheduling tool".
I will participate.
I'm in San Francisco time zone.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago
Alexey skor wrote:
Topic suggestion: "Redmine roadmap for using as a project management/scheduling tool".
What do you mean exactly?
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Alex Last almost 15 years ago
I mean what's planned (if anything) to be implemented in Redmine to use it for project management and planning. its current usage is mostly limited to issue/task tracking.
RE: Proposal: Regular Meeting of Redmine Contributors
Added by Muntek Singh almost 15 years ago
My Agenda/Topics Proposal (not wiki-fied cause it's just my opinion)
Overall Redmine- Restructure the development process to be more open
- Teams (see below)
- Creating a Long Term Vision of what Redmine aims to be, and overall direction of the project
- Defining & publicizing a clear mission statement for the project
- Rethinking Roles / Permissions
- Getting more Developers
- Teams
- Create teams for various aspects of Redmine development and usage. Each
team has a leader who has "ownership" of that area- Documentation Team
- Development Team (these guys have CI access)
- Plugin Team
- User Support team (in charge of forums and IRC)
- Create teams for various aspects of Redmine development and usage. Each
- Redmine become much more modular
- Make these meetings regular
- Release plan for 1.0
- Request: Clean out the issues on
- Bug mash (see above thread)
- Private Issues #337
- Official API for authentication plugins
- Redmine Blog
- More contributors
- More content aimed at end-users
- Finalize the Logo
- Fixing the Redmine forums
- Plugin Directory
- Themes
- Making #redmine IRC more officially sanctioned
This is also the order in which I propose the meeting go.
I would really appreciate some quick and concise feedback on this. Also holger mareck I would not mind running it, though I'd rather think of myself as a default option and would rather someone else step up :)