



Feature #1142


CC list for issues

Added by Carl Nygard over 16 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Email notifications
Target version:
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It would be nice to have a CC: list of people to notify when the issue gets modified/commented. The people in the cc list should at minimum be allowed to be people not directly registered with the project. It would be nice if they could be arbitrary email addresses (for example, an internal mailing list or email alias). This might cover #1133 in a more general fashion.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #1133: Email to individuals not registered in RedmineNew2008-04-28

Related to Redmine - Feature #1255: Add "Send a Reminder" Feature to issuesNew2008-05-19

Actions #1

Updated by Ronie Henrich over 16 years ago


Actions #2

Updated by clawfrown clawfrown over 16 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Randy Harmon over 16 years ago

This could be implemented using additional permission for maintaining watchers:

User role can:
  • Add watcher
  • View watcher list
  • Remove watchers from list
Actions #4

Updated by Paul Rivier over 16 years ago

What do you propose to prevent abuse ?

Actions #5

Updated by Randy Harmon over 16 years ago

Paul Rivier wrote:

What do you propose to prevent abuse ?

Good point. I'd propose a procedural solution for that: that these extra watcher-maintenance features be limited to user-roles who can be trusted to use them responsibly. For instance, on the public Redmine site, I would propose that nobody get extra permissions (which leaves the UI exactly as-is) unless JP decides to trust.

Actions #6

Updated by Randy Harmon over 16 years ago

Note, acts_as_watcher would have to be modified to implement as I described; side benefit, anything that allows watchers would gain this cc: type of ability.

Actions #7

Updated by Carl Nygard over 16 years ago

The idea of acts_as_watcher seems to indicate we could have a cc_email table that acts_as_watcher and that you could attach to an issue (or anything else watchable). This would be a simple table, and it would be separate from the user list, and I think that distinction is important to maintain, at least from a user perspective.

I think the CC: list should be a separate entity from the list of watchers. Watchers are users, CC: list is just a set of email addresses.

To prevent abuse, one could send an email notification and require a reply before setting the address active, like the mailing lists do. That would prevent wanton abuse, but would make the procedure for setting a CC: entry much more cumbersome. I was thinking of the bugzilla feature for adding email addresses, but now that I think of it the email addresses have to be registered in the system first. Which brings us right back to registered users... can you tell I'm thinking as I type?

Actions #8

Updated by Jan Losinski about 16 years ago


Actions #9

Updated by mathew murphy about 16 years ago

+1 from me too.

Often I add something to RedMine that someone reported to me by e-mail. I'd like to be able to add them to the CC list so when I update RedMine, I don't have to manually e-mail them.

Actions #10

Updated by Thomas Pihl about 16 years ago


Sometimes issues get reported by phone. To be able to send the same type of updates to reporter as if it was watched would be perfect. Registered users should cover the need in my option. Someone who needs cc's should register as user to prevent abuse.
To have the rights to set reporter could also be of interest.

Actions #11

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 16 years ago

  • Target version deleted (0.8)
Actions #12

Updated by Carey DiJulio over 15 years ago

This is the #1 most requested feature by my teams after we implemented redmine. We're not worried about abuse of this field so I think adding as a permission is a great idea. That way we could give the permission to almost everyone, but people more concerned about abuse could restrict the permission to certain roles only. I would love to see this get on the roadmap for a upcoming release.

Actions #13

Updated by Carey DiJulio over 15 years ago

nevermind - just found the ability to add watchers. This will work. Thanks!

Actions #14

Updated by tolan blundell over 15 years ago

Something along these lines would be a huge bonus for our usage of Redmine too.

The main problems with the watchers system for us are:

  1. When you add a watcher they don't receive any mail to indicate they've been added and might need to look at the bug, so each time a watcher is added you need to add a comment to the ticket to let them know they're added. Is there currently a way around this? I haven't been able to find one but perhaps I've missed something.
  2. Being able to arbitrarily add people without them having to be users would be very useful for us. We also have no problem with abuse, the submission addresses aren't published anywhere.
Actions #15

Updated by david austin over 15 years ago

i agree with the need for this..
we have the same requirement

Actions #16

Updated by Corentin Chary about 15 years ago

Need a way to manager a CC list, like bugzilla. And I don't really care about abuse.

Actions #17

Updated by Eric Voisard almost 15 years ago

This is a feature we're looking for too. Sometimes we need to report about an issue to some non-members (e.g. a higher level manager, a developer who had a similar problem in another project, somebody in the company who might help, etc).

I like Randy's proposal in #5 for preventing abuse: only trusted project members with specific permission can add cc.

Thanks, Eric

Actions #18

Updated by Gergő Jónás over 14 years ago

+1 i need this feature...

or is there possibly some other solution? urgent need of such an amendment is also used by the system ...

Actions #19

Updated by Nick Peelman over 14 years ago

+1. We're looking for this as well.

Actions #20

Updated by Nick Peelman about 14 years ago

For those interested parties, I have a plugin written that takes care of this, somewhat. Its not as fluid as I'd like, but it gets the job done. It can be found here:

Feedback and/or issues are welcome there as well. I can't promise I'll address everything, since I'm mostly working off of guesswork and the help of an incredibly generous rails aficionado, but I will do the best I can.

Actions #21

Updated by Enrique Delgado about 14 years ago


Definitely the number 1 feature requested by people at my company! Need a way to manager a CC list, like bugzilla. And I don't really care about abuse either.

Thanks so much for a great product! :)

Actions #22

Updated by Enrique Delgado about 14 years ago

Nick Peelman wrote:

For those interested parties, I have a plugin written that takes care of this, somewhat. Its not as fluid as I'd like, but it gets the job done. It can be found here:

Feedback and/or issues are welcome there as well. I can't promise I'll address everything, since I'm mostly working off of guesswork and the help of an incredibly generous rails aficionado, but I will do the best I can.

Nick, thanks for your plugin! I've installed it and it works as expected :)

Actions #23

Updated by Nick Peelman about 14 years ago

Enrique Delgado wrote:

Nick, thanks for your plugin! I've installed it and it works as expected :)

Glad to hear it. Let me know if you notice any problems.

Actions #24

Updated by Nick Peelman about 14 years ago

To keep everybody apprised of the plugin i wrote to fill this need:

The current version of what i have on github isn't compatible with Redmine 1.0. Issue #6000 has more gritty technical details, and there is developer interest in fixing / alleviating the problem, so hopefully there will be a resolution in a point release or something.

You can now add cc addresses (as many as you want) when creating an issue, you no longer need to hack the core as was the case before. Please test and let me know if you find any glitches!

Actions #25

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 11 years ago

  • Related to Feature #1255: Add "Send a Reminder" Feature to issues added
Actions #26

Updated by Kevin Gallagher over 8 years ago

Just leaving a note, in case anyone needs this functionality, that I took on the task of updating Nick Peelman's plugin for Redmine 3.x/Rails 4, with some simplifications for the specific use case which I needed it for. Find it here in the upgrade branch:


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