



From 2024-04-30 to 2024-05-03


15:20 Redmine Revision 22812 (svn): Update locales (#37862).
15:16 Redmine Feature #23954 (Resolved): Shows the date of the last activity on Projects administration.
The last activity date is now available as a column in Project query, I just committed the patch.
@fredsdc, did yo...
15:14 Redmine Revision 22811 (svn): Adds the date of the last activity to the list of available columns for Projects (#23954).
Patch by Frederico Camara (@fredsdc) and Marius BĂLTEANU (@marius.balteanu). Marius BĂLTEANU
15:04 Redmine Revision 22810 (svn): Updates locales (#40569).
14:29 Redmine Defect #40643: Mail med länk att byta lösenord innehåller fel länk
Yes, that might be it.
We will test without the plugin.
Thank you very much.
Katarina Eklund
14:21 Redmine Defect #40643: Mail med länk att byta lösenord innehåller fel länk
Yes, thank you!
Can you check without the @redmine_editauthor@ plugin?
I've just tested on my local environment an...
14:14 Redmine Defect #40643: Mail med länk att byta lösenord innehåller fel länk
Is this what you need?
Katarina Eklund
13:53 Redmine Defect #40643: Mail med länk att byta lösenord innehåller fel länk
Can you post details about your environment from Administration -> Information? Marius BĂLTEANU
13:57 Redmine Revision 22809 (svn): Fixes random failing tests.
10:27 Redmine Feature #29894 (Closed): View watchers on the issue list
@super.sorted@ triggers lots of queries on my environment. I've committed a different fix in r22808. Marius BĂLTEANU
10:24 Redmine Revision 22808 (svn): Fixes failing tests on postgresql (#29894).
09:31 Redmine Revision 22807 (svn): Fixes failing tests caused by r22802 (#40652).


23:55 Redmine Revision 22806 (svn): Fixes RuboCop offense Layout/SpaceInsideParens (#24457).
23:35 Redmine Revision 22805 (svn): Fixes RuboCop offense Performance/Sum (#24457, #4682).
23:27 Redmine Patch #1671: Show a breakdown of estimated/spent/remaining time for a version
I attached a patch to #37862 that brings the Estimated remaining time information in version page. Please take a look. Marius BĂLTEANU
23:20 Redmine Feature #12895 (Closed): add more information to milestone / roadmap view
I think the request from here is covered in #1671. Marius BĂLTEANU
23:15 Redmine Revision 22804 (svn): Adds test for #24457.
23:01 Redmine Defect #4682 (Closed): Completed version with wrong progress bar status
Fixed in r22803. Marius BĂLTEANU
23:01 Redmine Defect #24457 (Closed): Progress of version should be calculated the same way as parent tasks
This is a very old issue and I've committed the fix from my previous patch in order to have the same behaviour from p... Marius BĂLTEANU
22:58 Redmine Revision 22803 (svn): Progress of version should be calculated the same way as parent tasks (#24457, #4682).
22:23 Redmine Patch #40652 (Closed): Replace MD5 with SHA256 when creating the hash for gravatar URL
17:02 Redmine Patch #40652 (Closed): Replace MD5 with SHA256 when creating the hash for gravatar URL
This is extracted from #35217....
22:23 Redmine Revision 22802 (svn): Switches from MD5 to SHA256 when computing the hash for gravatar URL (#40652).
20:58 Redmine Feature #1757: Immediately send a notify email when a user is added to issue's watcher list
> Hi! Thanks for the contribution, I tried it with Redmine 5.1.1.stable but it didnt work, I'm getting this error:
User Redmine
19:14 Redmine Patch #35217: Replace use of Digest::MD5 / Digest::SHA1 with ActiveSupport::Digest
yeah, it looks like does support SHA256 now, it wasn't supported at the time when I wrote th... Pavel Rosický
17:06 Redmine Patch #35217: Replace use of Digest::MD5 / Digest::SHA1 with ActiveSupport::Digest
Jens Krämer wrote in #note-3:
> I would suggest to just swap out MD5 for SHA256 for the Gravatar use case. It seems ...
06:24 Redmine Patch #35217: Replace use of Digest::MD5 / Digest::SHA1 with ActiveSupport::Digest
I would suggest to just swap out MD5 for SHA256 for the Gravatar use case. It seems not practical to tie this to the ... Jens Krämer
18:16 Redmine Patch #37862: Estimated time remaining issue query column
Jens, I made some changes in top of your patch in order to add the estimated remaining time info also to version page... Marius BĂLTEANU
12:02 Redmine Feature #29894: View watchers on the issue list
The test IssuesControllerTest#test_index_with_watchers_column_as_csv randomly fails.
Please review the patch attachm...


19:58 Redmine Patch #40650 (New): Fix alt and title attributes when alt text is specified for attached images in Textile format.
This patch fixes the following problems when specifying alt text for attached images in Textile format.
* When a d...
Katsuya HIDAKA
11:21 Redmine Revision 22801 (svn): Fix RuboCop offense Style/SuperWithArgsParentheses (#37862).
10:13 Redmine Patch #35217: Replace use of Digest::MD5 / Digest::SHA1 with ActiveSupport::Digest
Pavel Rosický wrote in #note-1:
> thanks for working on this!
> however, the OpenID change isn't safe. The SHA1...
09:57 Redmine Feature #24277: Introducing Remaining Time field as method to track the remaining time to complete an issue
Thanks Rakek for updating the patches. For now, I've committed #37862 in order to build on top of it this feature.
03:49 Redmine Feature #24277: Introducing Remaining Time field as method to track the remaining time to complete an issue
This is a feature that would be very handy to exist in Redmine! I've had a go at updating the patchsets to the...
Radek Pesina
09:52 Redmine Patch #37862: Estimated time remaining issue query column
This is a nice addition, but I think we should develop more this feature in order to add this info also to issue page... Marius BĂLTEANU
09:50 Redmine Patch #37862 (Resolved): Estimated time remaining issue query column
I've committed this feature for version:"6.0.0". Marius BĂLTEANU
03:45 Redmine Patch #37862: Estimated time remaining issue query column
For ease of making it into the next major release, I've merged the patch to the latest version of Redmine (v5....
Radek Pesina
09:49 Redmine Revision 22800 (svn): Adds estimated remaining hours issue query column calculated based on estimated time and done ratio (#37862).
Patch by Jens Krämer (@jkraemer). Marius BĂLTEANU
09:33 Redmine Defect #40632 (Closed): Changed email notification configuration disregarded
Thanks for your feedback! Marius BĂLTEANU


21:34 Redmine Defect #40632: Changed email notification configuration disregarded
Problem was solved by a server restart. Henry Bürger
20:55 Redmine Defect #40648: Session Strength Medium Vulnerability
low priority James H
20:54 Redmine Defect #40648 (New): Session Strength Medium Vulnerability
SessionStrength (1)
OWASP2021-A02 CWE-330 OWASP2017-A2 OWASP2023API-0xa2
Session token...
James H
15:16 Redmine Feature #1757: Immediately send a notify email when a user is added to issue's watcher list
User Redmine wrote in #note-13:
> Suggest some patch. The patch was collected in file partly manually and it's bette...
Robert Röttger
11:14 Redmine Defect #40551 (Closed): Unit tests fail with Mocha 2.2.0
I'm closing this issue, as it has been fixed by @maeda in #40603 Vincent Robert
10:42 Redmine Defect #40647 (New): Attachment Download fails due to Content Security Policy in Safari
Hello, recently an issue arised that attachment downloads (for instance PDF) don't work using Safari.
There is an ...
Christian Thieme
10:18 Redmine Feature #38446: Searching multiple multi-word phrases
Updated the patch.
* In the regular expressions, changed @[:space:]@ to @\p{Zs}@ which does not match with TAB, CR...
09:27 Redmine Defect #40643: Mail med länk att byta lösenord innehåller fel länk
When an user forgot the password he clicks on the link "forgot password" in in login view and writes the email in the... Katarina Eklund
09:03 Redmine Defect #40610: Projects page never finishes loading
Setting the target version to 5.0.9. Go MAEDA
07:56 Redmine Defect #40646: Can not delete project
thank you.
I resolve the problem
jingu kang
07:29 Redmine Defect #40646 (Closed): Can not delete project
The error seems to be generated by one of your plugins (redmine_wktime), please try without them. Marius BĂLTEANU
07:27 Redmine Defect #40646 (Closed): Can not delete project
I want to erase the project, but I can't because I got 500 errors,
and I attached the log for the error and my Red...
jingu kang
07:13 Redmine Defect #11804 (Closed): Email notifications not sent to task assignees, are sent to watchers
Too old, we are not aware by such an issue in the recent versions. Marius BĂLTEANU
07:12 Redmine Feature #10121 (Closed): Watchers - Add Group / Role
Adding group as watcher was added in #4511, for role there is #9918.
I'm closing this.

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