



Feature #3995


Upgrade to "Files" module

Added by Michael Koch almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


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  • when files are uploaded/added to an Issue, Wiki page, Forum, Document etc, then the file will show up in the "Files" module with an extra column titled "Related To:" which would have a short link to where that file came from
  • Folders: each file could be filed into a certain folder
  • Tags: each file could be tagged with multiple tags to help organize the information better

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #4238: Have files be a complete, aggregated list of all documents in that projectNew2009-11-18

Related to Redmine - Feature #991: Document versioningNew2008-04-04

Related to Redmine - Feature #1196: Add versioning for Files and DocumentsNew2008-05-07

Actions #1

Updated by Bruno Medeiros almost 15 years ago

Michael Koch wrote:

  • when files are uploaded/added to an Issue, Wiki page, Forum, Document etc, then the file will show up in the "Files" module with an extra column titled "Related To:" which would have a short link to where that file came from

+1 for this!! It would be really good, sometimes finds files in tickets are so dificult.

  • Folders: each file could be filed into a certain folder
  • Tags: each file could be tagged with multiple tags to help organize the information better

I think that folders are useless when using tabs. GMail, for example, use tags instead of folders and it's a very good approach for me.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Koch almost 15 years ago

I agree about the Tags vs Folders topic. I just wanted to present both, but I think tags are the way to go, definitely after my experience using GMail.

Would this be a tough addition? (both aggregating all the files and tagging?)

Actions #3

Updated by Bruno Medeiros almost 15 years ago

Michael Koch wrote:

I agree about the Tags vs Folders topic. I just wanted to present both, but I think tags are the way to go, definitely after my experience using GMail.

Oh, sorry. I didn't realized the 'or' in your original post.

Would this be a tough addition? (both aggregating all the files and tagging?)

I believe I'm not the right guy to answer that since I'm not a Ruby developer, only a Redmine user.. :(
Maybe someone else could answer..

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Koch almost 15 years ago

Yes, unfortunately I am not a programmer either. Maybe it will get picked up by someone.

Actions #5

Updated by Richard Schulte almost 15 years ago

+ 1

Actions #6

Updated by Oshyan Greene over 14 years ago

And if this could also tie in to allowing "universal" file linking, that would be nice to. In other words file is assigned both an absolute and a relative identifier. In the page it was uploaded on, it can be referenced by attachment number relative to that page. For linking to files outside of the page, whether linked to other pages, or in the mail files area, proper file name could be used perhaps?

Actions #7

Updated by Aleksandar Pavic almost 14 years ago

+1, might also be ralted to #800,#2555,#1196

Actions #8

Updated by Rasmus Pape Rydahl over 12 years ago


Actions #9

Updated by Pawel Orzechowski almost 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang

Actually, I think this is a very good feature. Are there any plans to include it in redmine? Or maybe there is another idea?

What about this design here (it is 2 years old!)

Maybe there are some other issues related to new document/files/pictures managemnt?

Actions #10

Updated by Terence Mill almost 12 years ago


Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #4238: Have files be a complete, aggregated list of all documents in that project added
Actions #12

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #2555: Possibility for update Documents - version control added
Actions #13

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

Actions #14

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Feature #2555: Possibility for update Documents - version control )
Actions #15

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #1196: Add versioning for Files and Documents added

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