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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
26668 Redmine Defect New Create "Documentation support" subsection in the "Non Code Related" section of the "Contribution" page. 2021-03-19 13:08 Documentation Actions
26619 Redmine Defect New Workflow field permissions does not work with several different roles 2018-06-29 14:03 Permissions and roles Actions
26321 Redmine Defect New Activity view should not show raw text 2017-07-03 10:52 Activity view Actions
26296 Redmine Defect New GET /attachments/download/:id/:filename should deny access 2017-06-28 14:49 Attachments Actions
26090 Redmine Defect New Dutch (NL) translation: some small issues found during review of r16029 for #24407 2017-07-13 06:11 Translations Actions
26034 Redmine Defect New Wiki PDF generated files displayed but not printable on Mac 2017-05-24 17:55 PDF export Actions
26023 Redmine Defect New Category filter only shows categories of current project 2021-06-08 18:15 Issues filter Actions
25867 Redmine Defect New Assignable users should respect database collation 2023-10-21 03:00 Database Actions
25828 Redmine Defect New Issue visibility problems on 3.3.1 2017-07-06 19:48 Issues Actions
25607 Redmine Defect New Users can't see issues they've been assigned to. 2017-12-14 04:00 Permissions and roles Actions
25605 Redmine Defect New The '{{toc}}' macro is not included in the list of macros when using '{{macro_list}}' 2017-04-14 07:26 Text formatting Actions
25604 Redmine Defect New Redmine does not appear to strip leading spaces from new issues 2017-04-13 16:10 Issues Actions
25473 Redmine Defect New "Message XYZ can not be processed" is the only error message logged when an incoming email fails to scrape due to confusion over the associated issue id 2017-07-27 14:04 Email receiving Actions
25411 Redmine Defect New Custom fields - bulk edit - adding new values or selctions overwrites existing values or selections 2017-03-23 09:52 Custom fields Actions
25362 Redmine Defect New Filter's sorting by last comment (last change) 2017-03-18 21:38 Issues filter Actions
25296 Redmine Defect New RestAPI doesn't allow anonymous account registration but web interface does. 2021-05-10 04:21 REST API Actions
25242 Redmine Defect New Automatic start date based on parent issue 2017-05-02 07:48 Issues planning Actions
25203 Redmine Defect New Email delivery error: end of file reached while sending reminder 2017-07-20 13:40 Email notifications Actions
25197 Redmine Defect New duplicating groups with same project names (sub-project) in issues list 2017-03-26 05:48 Issues list Actions
25141 Redmine Defect New Changing the scope and resetting the position of an acts_as_positioned object inserts it at the one-before-last position 2017-02-21 16:46 Actions
25130 Redmine Defect New support of agglutinative languages like Hungarian/Magyar 2019-10-21 13:57 Translations Actions
25049 Redmine Defect New Issues which are assigned to group are not listed in reminders if 'users' parameter is specified 2023-03-16 03:12 Email notifications Actions
24979 Redmine Defect New Email "keyword" lines deleted even if the sender doesn't have permission to edit that field 2018-08-14 10:35 Email receiving Actions
24910 Redmine Defect New Issue processing UTF7 mails 2020-09-17 14:38 Email receiving Actions
24906 Redmine Defect New Session expiration not visible when editing issues 2017-01-23 11:35 Accounts / authentication Actions
24882 Redmine Defect New Email notifications possibly sent out before whole transaction is complete 2019-02-10 01:59 Email notifications Actions
24821 Redmine Defect New Cannot use mailto: in link custom field 2017-02-09 11:37 Custom fields Actions
24602 Redmine Defect New Exporting wiki pages in HTML fails if {{collapse}} 2016-12-13 16:39 Wiki Actions
24570 Redmine Defect New Migrating from Trac to Redmine [Trac2Redmine] 2018-06-21 15:50 Importers Actions
24546 Redmine Defect New Unable to edit Workflows (POST limit) 2017-02-09 08:28 Issues workflow Actions
24503 Redmine Defect New IMAP fetch ignores ssl switch 2016-11-30 17:48 Email receiving Actions
24484 Redmine Defect New Wrong order of rows with empty custom fields 2016-11-29 09:43 Custom fields Actions
24473 Redmine Defect New CSV Export Very slow for issues with lots of Custom Fields 2017-11-04 07:01 Performance Actions
24442 Redmine Defect New When exporting Wiki to PDF, monospaced fonts are not rendered correctly in PDF 2016-11-24 08:36 PDF export Actions
24426 Redmine Defect New sqlserver2014:chang issues parentId success but view is wrong 2016-11-24 07:47 Actions
24128 Redmine Defect New Sudo-Mode : hides full stack trace 2016-10-28 10:52 Security Actions
24111 Redmine Defect New Moving the parent issue from subproject to another project moves sub issues too 2016-10-28 10:53 Issues Actions
24061 Redmine Defect New Tickets can be watched by users who are not available in specific tracker 2018-01-24 09:44 Issues Actions
24010 Redmine Defect New Using a tables inside a list (wrong intendation) 2020-05-08 11:50 Text formatting Actions
23963 Redmine Defect New Bulk editing issues from various projects take us to Redmine's root (no project) 2016-09-30 15:15 Issues Actions
23962 Redmine Defect New Redmine Out of Memory Exception when exporting issues with lots of columns (> 50) to PDF 2018-03-25 10:20 PDF export Actions
23660 Redmine Defect New Email notification on description change without activity view entry 2016-08-25 09:36 Activity view Actions
23651 Redmine Defect New Closed projects are listed in main quick jump box 2022-12-01 13:39 Projects Actions
23643 Redmine Defect New Activity page shows news description instead of summary 2016-08-23 15:09 News Actions
23614 Redmine Defect New Mercurial: Impossible to work with repositories, which contain hidden revisions (Evolve extension enabled) 2016-08-19 02:38 SCM Actions
23576 Redmine Defect New Issue export to PDF causes overlapping text for related issues in German locale 2022-03-29 08:36 PDF export Actions
23467 Redmine Defect New Related tasks only allow dependencies to work in whole days 2016-07-29 04:51 Issues workflow Actions
23394 Redmine Defect New Auto-assign on category selection does not work when assignee is a required field 2016-08-19 06:42 Issues Actions
23341 Redmine Defect New Markdown Table formatting breaks with redmine wiki links 2019-08-01 16:13 Text formatting Actions
23275 Redmine Defect New Issue open takes too much time when member blongs many projects 2017-07-07 12:15 Performance Actions
23268 Redmine Defect New migrate_from_trac.rake - NOT WORKING WITH trac 1.0.1 2016-07-18 15:06 Importers Actions
23224 Redmine Defect New Datepicker doesn't obey the user's settings format 2021-05-19 22:24 UI Actions
23198 Redmine Defect New Group by Category does not group across projects 2017-04-14 23:41 Issues filter Actions
23189 Redmine Defect New Spent time by filter, offset by one day 2021-04-06 23:03 Time tracking Actions
23124 Redmine Defect New if Time logs visibility: Time entries created by the user is turned on for the role, Issue's spent time is not displayed 2016-10-10 13:10 Issues Actions
23103 Redmine Defect New Wiki in Markdown syntax mode improperly renders successive headers. 2016-07-12 17:00 Text formatting Actions
22977 Redmine Defect New A project member has no access and gets no notification, when being a watcher of the issue 2018-05-21 10:45 Email notifications Actions
22945 Redmine Defect New incorrect roadmap estimated & spent time values if only summary issues have target version 2016-05-31 20:56 Roadmap Actions
22885 Redmine Defect New When I register a task linking a "Parent task", the system gets too slow 2016-05-24 22:10 Performance Actions
22638 Redmine Defect New creating with REST API new issue on a project without any tracker enabled return misleading error message 2016-04-26 23:50 REST API Actions
22171 Redmine Defect New Wide tables intersect with the right panel 2016-04-03 17:02 UI Actions
22030 Redmine Defect New authentication slow & caching not working (svn) 2020-05-19 13:44 SCM extra Actions
22016 Redmine Defect New Generated password not shown if Send Account Information To User is unchecked 2016-02-11 19:39 Accounts / authentication Actions
22011 Redmine Defect New The issue pdf export doesn't show the total estimated time sum 2016-11-01 17:59 PDF export Actions
21770 Redmine Defect New Preview does not work on non-ascii data input 2016-01-21 09:49 Actions
21731 Redmine Defect New blue footer in exported PDF 2016-01-14 16:38 PDF export Actions
21730 Redmine Defect New Local links (#jumpToHere) are not exported as references inside an exported PDF 2016-01-14 17:55 PDF export Actions
21682 Redmine Defect New Documentation for nginx configuration is outdated and broken 2016-02-06 05:13 Documentation Actions
21643 Redmine Defect New The Textile <thead> and <tfoot> aren't working 2016-01-05 21:50 Text formatting Actions
21642 Redmine Defect New The Textile table don't support the tr class attributes 2021-02-11 18:22 Text formatting Actions
21595 Redmine Defect New LDAP test pass when LDAP admin user is expired 2020-11-17 01:51 LDAP Actions
21580 Redmine Defect New After changing a sub issue in the issue via right click and content menu the page is reload but no repositioned 2016-01-20 06:25 Issues Actions
21552 Redmine Defect New Textile auto-link does not stop at a space character 2015-12-17 07:13 Text formatting Actions
21530 Redmine Defect New If a new boolean custom field with a default value will be added the value won't be automatically applied to all issues 2015-12-15 19:03 Custom fields Actions
21479 Redmine Defect New Including a wiki page from another project does not resolve that page's links properly 2015-12-10 21:25 Wiki Actions
21449 Redmine Defect New Automatic done ratio calculation in issue tree is wrong when parent has its own estimated time 2020-08-27 20:13 Issues Actions
21381 Redmine Defect New Redmine 3.1.0 - Bazaar comments in utf-8 cyrillic symbols 2015-11-30 08:49 SCM Actions
21379 Redmine Defect New Plugin author is not able to delete plugin versions 2015-11-29 23:37 Website ( Actions
21292 Redmine Defect New image in child wiki not show when exporting wik to pdf 2015-12-21 14:34 PDF export Actions
21222 Redmine Defect New ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid when trying to update user_setup 2015-11-12 11:53 Database Actions
21218 Redmine Defect New Text with apostrophe (') followed by italic does not render 2015-11-11 10:57 Text formatting Actions
21210 Redmine Defect New Issues and Spent Time of closed subprojects are included on the overview page, but are not included on the issues, gantt or spent time details/report pages 2015-11-10 22:14 Projects Actions
20871 Redmine Defect New CHROME, Using Scroll Wheel for Multi-select List Custom Fields is not User-Friendly 2015-09-28 22:41 UI Actions
20795 Redmine Defect New CSS style gets stripped from the tag 2015-10-21 04:16 Text formatting Actions
20769 Redmine Defect New Issues with formatting of == (equality operator) 2023-09-27 18:34 Text formatting Actions
20699 Redmine Defect New ldap error - not permitted to logon at this workstation 2017-12-13 12:15 LDAP Actions
20693 Redmine Defect New GIT: No files/differences on git merge commit 2015-09-08 11:52 SCM Actions
20646 Redmine Defect New Maximum attachment size displayed/labeled incorrectly 2015-09-14 18:54 UI Actions
20630 Redmine Defect New Repeat table header in wiki exports 2015-08-28 09:46 PDF export Actions
20598 Redmine Defect New Plugin ratings with zero stars not possible 2015-09-06 18:51 Website ( Actions
20597 Redmine Defect New Ajax indicator is displayed below modal boxes 2015-08-26 06:15 UI Actions
20547 Redmine Defect New Exporting CSV with multiple tabs open can export wrong view 2015-08-17 15:47 Actions
20499 Redmine Defect New Bangla charater of PDF 2015-08-09 08:36 PDF export Actions
20479 Redmine Defect New Undocumented pagination support for API 2015-08-05 10:55 Documentation Actions
20472 Redmine Defect New Filtered API calls delete CORS 2015-08-04 17:51 REST API Actions
20470 Redmine Defect New Markdown Emphasis in a word didn't work properly. 2015-08-04 10:39 Text formatting Actions
20440 Redmine Defect New Colon character on Wiki pages title doesn´t work 2018-03-07 07:15 Wiki Actions
20397 Redmine Defect New project:someproject wiki syntax should link to project with identifier "someproject', not name. 2017-10-12 10:33 Text formatting Actions
20358 Redmine Defect New In some situation, my plugin render view hook twice 2015-08-12 05:34 Plugin API Actions
20356 Redmine Defect New Wiki gets destroyed after rename 2015-09-07 08:23 Wiki Actions
(401-500/4777) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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