



Feature #2679


Ticket grouping

Added by Maxim Krušina over 15 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Target version:
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It can be very handy to have "Group by" option in issue list view (
In status box, there can be new line under Status: Group by, and there can be select box where you can select column to group by.

Simillar functionality was in Trac (if I remeber well,, uit's long time ;).

For what it should be usefull?
For example: I would like to create special report, where I can see all our developers and how much tickets they have assignet to them.
It's very handy for moving tickets between users and balancing work.
Anyway, there much more usage for this, like group by version, or group by tracker.

Visualy it can be done by more tables separated, like it is in reporting (plugin?).

What others think?

Files (16.9 KB) Andrew Chaika, 2009-02-17 06:17
group_by_patch.patch (5.93 KB) group_by_patch.patch Andrew Chaika, 2009-03-02 21:22 (11.4 KB) Andrew Chaika, 2009-04-09 18:10
issues_grouping_plugin.png (59.5 KB) issues_grouping_plugin.png Andrew Chaika, 2009-04-09 18:10 (12.3 KB) Andrew Chaika, 2009-04-12 15:35

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #33290: Unnecessary database access when IssueQuery class is definedClosedGo MAEDA

Actions #1

Updated by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

+1 I'd like to see one level of grouping (e.g. Group issues by Status). A simple UI that would work is to have a select box with each Filter name and a none (default).

Actions #2

Updated by Jens Berlips over 15 years ago

+1, I wrote a note about this in: Issue #2481 as well. The grouping in Trac is excellent.

Actions #3

Updated by Markus Knittig over 15 years ago

The Scrumalliance Redmine has a plugin for issue grouping. Not for all attributes, but it's a start...

Actions #4

Updated by Ewan Makepeace over 15 years ago

Could be done as seperate tables per group (though that would be a bit awkward given the Redmine UI style) or using Outlook style grouping bars (with a + or - to expand or collapse the group). Might not even require a Group By field - often grouping issues by the field in the sorted column is enough, and that change could perhaps be accomplished in the view alone?

Actions #5

Updated by Ewan Makepeace over 15 years ago

Ewan Makepeace wrote:

Could be done as seperate table per group (though that would be a bit awkward given the Redmine UI style) or using Outlook style grouping bars (with a + or - to expand or collapse the group). Might not even require a Group By field - often grouping issues by the field in the sorted column is enough, and that change could perhaps be accomplished in the view alone?

Actions #6

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

I have developed issues grouping patch for 0.8.0 version of redmine.
I have tested it and it's worked ok.
Maybe code is not perfect because I'm novice in Ruby and Rails.

PS After patch apply it's need to migrate database (rake db:migrate)

Actions #8

Updated by Maxim Krušina over 15 years ago

Hi, can be this merged into trunk?
I'm not so much big friend of patches, because we're using trunk version by SVN updates.

Actions #9

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

There are such functionality converted to plugin -

Actions #10

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

Issues Group Plugin version 0.0.3:
  • Issues/Ticket grouping
  • Introduced queries categories, and grouping by them in sidebar
  • Queries in sidebar now shows count of issues in they
  • Group saving in queries
Recent changes:
  • more Rubish code
  • some cleanup
  • compatibility with saving sort order in queries
  • group by any available issue field

PS I think that this functionality must be in Redmine 0.9.x or 1.0.0

Actions #11

Updated by Markus Knittig over 15 years ago

Good plugin, the only thing that's stopping me from using it in a productive system is that when you already have a bunch of queries the plugin doesn't seem to work (complains about missing category)...

Actions #12

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

Markus Knittig wrote:

Good plugin, the only thing that's stopping me from using it in a productive system is that when you already have a bunch of queries the plugin doesn't seem to work (complains about missing category)...

Maybe you don't run db migration, this plugin needs it (I missing this in description):

rake db:migrate_plugins

I have tested installation of this plugin on trunk version and it works without any errors

Actions #13

Updated by Markus Knittig over 15 years ago

Hm, this works on my produtive system. Thanks. But it didn't seem to to work with the example data...

Actions #14

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

Markus Knittig wrote:

Hm, this works on my produtive system. Thanks. But it didn't seem to to work with the example data...

Development, test or demo database migration needed too:

rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV="development"

Actions #15

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

This plugin at v0.0.3 looks quite neat. As noted by Eric on the referenced forum-thread it overrides some controllers though, but in the new version this is done pretty smart (which will prevent most of the syncing-problems)... Looks really promising... :thumbsup:

One caveat though: the package contains an error on lines 10 and 11 in the file ../app/views/issues/_sidebar.rhtml. These lines are missing the controller-part in the links. They should be changed from:

  planning_links << link_to(l(:label_calendar), :action => 'calendar', :project_id => @project) if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_calendar, @project, :global => true)
  planning_links << link_to(l(:label_gantt), :action => 'gantt', :project_id => @project) if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_gantt, @project, :global => true)
  planning_links << link_to(l(:label_calendar), :controller => 'issues', :action => 'calendar', :project_id => @project) if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_calendar, @project, :global => true)
  planning_links << link_to(l(:label_gantt), :controller => 'issues', :action => 'gantt', :project_id => @project) if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_gantt, @project, :global => true)

Actions #16

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

Version 0.0.4:
  • Added french language
  • Corrected links in sidebar
Actions #17

Updated by Markus Knittig over 15 years ago

Good work. Have you considered to publish your plugin on GitHub (where most of the Redmine plugins are hosted)? That would make it easier to contribute and kepping the plugin up to date...

Actions #18

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

Markus Knittig wrote:

Good work. Have you considered to publish your plugin on GitHub (where most of the Redmine plugins are hosted)? That would make it easier to contribute and kepping the plugin up to date...

I wish that functionality of this plugin be included in trunk version, because it can't be implemented separately from Redmine core like other plugins. There is some overridings, which can break plugin in future if core changed.

About plugins and github - I use local svn and don't know git yet, I think that we need to make community for plugin/patches developers with svn/git, Redmine tracker, maybe this can be

Actions #19

Updated by Markus Knittig over 15 years ago

Andrew Chaika wrote:

I wish that functionality of this plugin be included in trunk version, because it can't be implemented separately from Redmine core like other plugins.

Then you should include some tests. Also, I'm not sure about the category feature. In principal It's useful, but I kinda don't like that it's working with free text. Although a own entity might be overkill. A compromise could be some sort of auto completion...

About plugins and github - I use local svn and don't know git yet, I think that we need to make community for plugin/patches developers with svn/git, Redmine tracker, maybe this can be

I'm sure Eric will take good care of (which used git and will probably continue to do so)...

Actions #20

Updated by Maxim Krušina over 15 years ago

Thanx a lot for such a great plugin!
Is there some project page of this plugin?
I would like to close this issue and discuss it probably somewhere more dedicated ;)

Actions #21

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

Maxim Krušina wrote:

Thanx a lot for such a great plugin!
Is there some project page of this plugin?
I would like to close this issue and discuss it probably somewhere more dedicated ;)

For now only forum thread -
I have published version 0.0.5 there

I try to use Git for Windows to upload plugin code to, but it's unsuccessful yet

Actions #22

Updated by Markus Knittig over 15 years ago

Cool that you final decided to use git. You won't regret it, it's really great... :)
Do you have problems with git on Windows or with GitHub? Because GitHub is IMO really easy to use. Don't know about git on Windows though. That could be tricky. AFAIK msysGit is the best choice under Windows.

Actions #23

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version set to 0.9.0
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Feature added in r2696.

Actions #24

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

Feature added in r2696.

Really great to see this being merged into the trunk... Just a question:

Would it be also possible to add:
  • the group-folding feature (JS)?
  • the queries categories, and grouping by them in sidebar?
  • the queries in sidebar shows count of issues in them?

If you are willing to take these things into the core trunk also, the plugin by Andre Chaika can be considered as a solution for issue #2679 for the 0.8-branch while it's implemented in the core for the trunk...

What do you think?

Actions #25

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago

Mischa The Evil wrote:

Would it be also possible to add:
  • the group-folding feature (JS)?

Done in r2711.

  • the queries categories, and grouping by them in sidebar?

This would be nice, although it's not part of the ticket grouping feature.

  • the queries in sidebar shows count of issues in them?

This can really slow things down depending of the number of queries. So I don't think it will be added to the core.

Actions #26

Updated by Gregor Bader over 15 years ago

Great that this is implemented!

Perhaps the feature to display ticket associations (parent -> child) like as Andrew Chaika suggested could be implemented?
This would be really helpful to manage complex implementations or e.g. a feature request which should be implemented in several sub projects.

Or some other way to display such connections would be good.

Actions #27

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

Mischa The Evil wrote:

Would it be also possible to add:
  • the group-folding feature (JS)?

Done in r2711.

Great... This "sort of" completes the implementation of the ticket-grouping feature in my opinion... Thanks...

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

Mischa The Evil wrote:

  • the queries categories, and grouping by them in sidebar?

This would be nice, although it's not part of the ticket grouping feature.

True that it's not part of the grouping feature. I'll open a new issue regarding this new feature. If I find the time for it I'll try to look to extract the feature from Andrew's plugin into a new plugin.
Though I believe that (mainly) the UI of the custom filter feature should be optimized (speaking for example of issues #2883, #2002, #3180 and more generally issue #1307) before/during addition of new (UI) sub-features of the custom filter feature in general.

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

Mischa The Evil wrote:

  • the queries in sidebar shows count of issues in them?

This can really slow things down depending of the number of queries. So I don't think it will be added to the core.

Good point which I haven't though of before... ;)

With kind regards,


Actions #28

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Gregor Bader wrote:

Perhaps the feature to display ticket associations (parent -> child) like as Andrew Chaika suggested could be implemented?

I am not sure if Andrew's solution for sub-issues (as he has implemented it in the ticket-grouping plugin v0.0.7) is sufficient enough to get implemented in the core.
I am certainly not skilled enough to decide (not even to discuss this:), but looking at the comments on issue #443 a sub-issue feature would require a big overhaul of the core's design...
Jean-Philippe once commented that sub-issues wasn't planned (2 months ago) after more people started implementing the feature as a plugin. I don't know if the implementation by Andrew is "sufficient" enough to get implemented into the core neither if Jean-Philippe has the opinion that the feature must get implemented through a plugin or not...



Actions #29

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

Mischa The Evil wrote:

Gregor Bader wrote:

Perhaps the feature to display ticket associations (parent -> child) like as Andrew Chaika suggested could be implemented?

I am not sure if Andrew's solution for sub-issues (as he has implemented it in the ticket-grouping plugin v0.0.7) is sufficient enough to get implemented in the core.

My implementation is not optimal and I know this, there are lot of subqueries and template recursion in it (one of the solutions is to render subisues only when user expand parent issue through ajax call).
But it works for me and solve my problem. I will try to make it better if I find the means of doing it.

Actions #30

Updated by Gregor Bader over 15 years ago

Mischa The Evil wrote:

Gregor Bader wrote:

Perhaps the feature to display ticket associations (parent -> child) like as Andrew Chaika suggested could be implemented?

I am not sure if Andrew's solution for sub-issues (as he has implemented it in the ticket-grouping plugin v0.0.7) is sufficient enough to get implemented in the core.
I am certainly not skilled enough to decide (not even to discuss this:), but looking at the comments on issue #443 a sub-issue feature would require a big overhaul of the core's design...
Jean-Philippe once commented that sub-issues wasn't planned (2 months ago) after more people started implementing the feature as a plugin. I don't know if the implementation by Andrew is "sufficient" enough to get implemented into the core neither if Jean-Philippe has the opinion that the feature must get implemented through a plugin or not...



A new or changed implementation of Subissues isn't needed. Everything that's needed is already there. I mean the blocking association between issues.
This should be possible to display in a tree view as the plugin from Chaika. It's kinda grouping by blocked issues.

Actions #31

Updated by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

Gregor Bader wrote:

A new or changed implementation of Subissues isn't needed. Everything that's needed is already there. I mean the blocking association between issues.
This should be possible to display in a tree view as the plugin from Chaika. It's kinda grouping by blocked issues.

In one of posts Jean-Philippe wrote that issues relations is not designed to implement subissues feature and it's need to use "some kind of nested set" for it.

Grouping by blocked issue with one nesting level is easy to implement (add group field - blocking issue) with current issues grouping feature.

Actions #32

Updated by loic Le Gallou over 15 years ago

Great to see this feature integrated in the trunk ! One gap: in the plugin version, it was possible to group issues by custom field, in the trunk version (r2711) custom fields don't appear in the "group results by" drop down list ...

Actions #33

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

loic Le Gallou wrote:

One gap: in the plugin version, it was possible to group issues by custom field, in the trunk version (r2711) custom fields don't appear in the "group results by" drop down list ...

Can you check it with the current trunk and with the info provided in the journals of issue #3321? I guess that if the issue custom field is displayed in the selected issuelist view then it shows up in the "group by"-options too... I am not sure atm, I'll test it soon too...



Actions #34

Updated by loic Le Gallou over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Reopened

I've tested again with revision r2796, the problem is still there : custom field are in the "filter" list but not in the "group by list". I re-open that task.

Actions #35

Updated by Chris McKee about 15 years ago

+1 Would be good to see this in 0.9

Actions #36

Updated by doha rouas about 15 years ago

hi all,

i have just integrated this plugin and it works fine ... great job!!!
however, i would like to organize my tickets.. i want to create subtickets for each one... i have so many tickets opened and i would like to move them as subtickets for others.

how can i do that? is there any plugin for that?

thanks in advance for your help

Actions #37

Updated by Will Bike almost 15 years ago

+1 for custom fields. I have also tested on the latest trunk r2967 and find that custom fields are not available to group by even though they are displayed in the issues list table and are available to filter by. This would be very useful for our instance of Redmine. Thanks,

Actions #38

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

Grouping by custom fields added in r3071.

Actions #39

Updated by goldleaf asd about 14 years ago


Actions #40

Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago

  • Related to Defect #33290: Unnecessary database access when IssueQuery class is defined added

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