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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
5871 Redmine Defect Confirmed Hard coded English strings in Wiki 2013-01-15 09:17 UI Actions
5653 Redmine Feature Reopened My page - blocks 2013-01-14 15:39 UI Actions
4519 Redmine Feature New Target version pulldown should sort in descending order 2013-01-14 11:04 UI Actions
3148 Redmine Feature New Dates formatted as ages are too vague 2013-01-14 09:01 UI Actions
12834 Redmine Feature New Filter by relations should set current project as default filtervalue 2013-01-13 21:50 UI Actions
2618 Redmine Feature New Move some change properties fields into the "more" link 2013-01-12 19:19 UI Actions
8306 Redmine Feature New Quick links on the "Projects" page 2013-01-10 11:37 UI Actions
12628 Redmine Feature New Add Roadmap -> "Issue by" to Project -> "Overview" 2012-12-18 11:49 UI Actions
7167 Redmine Feature New Add pagination to new project/group member list 2012-12-12 11:10 UI Actions
3207 Redmine Feature New Better Breadcrumbs 2012-11-21 01:21 UI Actions
959 Redmine Feature New Add navigation for the concept of going "back" from where you came 2012-10-30 21:10 UI Actions
11708 Redmine Feature New Enlarge avatar size up to 100px on user page 2012-10-09 15:14 UI Actions
10921 Redmine Defect New Textbox not proper and Redmine icon not displaying for Title 2012-05-22 11:42 UI Actions
10858 Redmine Feature New Search, Filter box and pagination on files and doc page 2012-05-09 07:32 UI Actions
2669 Redmine Defect New Square brackets in SVN comments (and probably elsewhere) 2012-05-03 08:08 UI Actions
10700 Redmine Defect New Usability - Change Password 2012-04-23 22:07 UI Actions
10718 Redmine Feature New Advanced menu (main,context) configuration like order, aligment, grouping and behaviour 2012-04-19 19:40 UI Actions
10483 Redmine Defect New After creating a new relation on a issue the relation is not displayed, in some cases 2012-03-26 09:43 UI Actions
4912 Redmine Feature New Better look of subprojects and users lists in project's page 2012-03-24 21:32 UI Actions
8812 Redmine Defect New Ticket list: Editing saved filter - Condition hidden 2012-03-06 11:12 UI Actions
8631 Redmine Feature New History for users,versions, projects changes 2012-02-24 08:49 UI Actions
10310 Redmine Defect New Member search should distinguish people in case of duplicate names 2012-02-23 23:31 UI Actions
1733 Redmine Feature New Option to remove "help" from menu bar 2012-02-01 12:58 UI Actions
10119 Redmine Feature New Permission Report - Floating Header 2012-02-01 09:14 UI Actions
5732 Redmine Feature Reopened cannot copy/move subtask from one parent issue to another 2012-01-09 18:38 UI Actions
4891 Redmine Feature New Add version-date to the "Target version" drop down lists 2011-11-24 20:13 UI Actions
7540 Redmine Feature New Add "Last Year" to report (and mabe others) date selector 2011-11-24 20:03 UI Actions
7190 Redmine Patch New Timelog: Show date range filter in one line and move tabs to a dedicated partial 2011-11-24 19:54 UI Actions
9587 Redmine Defect New The 'Affected Version' popup menu should be reversed. 2011-11-16 19:25 UI Actions
9508 Redmine Feature New Faster issue creation by using Ajax. 2011-11-02 15:14 UI Actions
2849 Redmine Feature New Drag and Drop Calendar Support 2011-10-14 11:53 UI Actions
8984 Redmine Feature New [Usability] Move delete button to left in files tab 2011-10-06 18:39 UI Actions
8916 Redmine Feature New Show "loading hint" during issue batch operation 2011-07-30 01:35 UI Actions
8870 Redmine Defect New Table in wiki is too long 2011-07-21 14:02 UI Actions
8831 Redmine Patch New CSS class for issues due today in the issue list 2011-07-16 12:41 UI Actions
5327 Redmine Defect Reopened Auth source LDAP parameters being filled incorrectly 2011-07-07 13:52 UI Actions
8527 Redmine Feature New Add configurable info string on login page 2011-06-29 05:04 UI Actions
8314 Redmine Feature New please add a "top" link to the bottom of the issue page. 2011-05-09 21:25 UI Actions
8056 Redmine Defect New Some fields should be shown LTR even in RTL locales 2011-04-07 09:43 UI Actions
2893 Redmine Feature Reopened Add a view to confirm issue deletion 2011-03-29 14:38 UI Actions
7973 Redmine Defect New UI issue: edit options invisible and users simply do not see the "Sign in" link 2011-03-25 19:45 UI Actions
5016 Redmine Defect New link_to_if_authorized does not display an authorized linke if passing a named url 2011-03-16 20:14 UI Actions
7879 Redmine Feature New List sub-projects in sidebar 2011-03-16 11:37 UI Actions
5276 Redmine Feature New show "project name" field for "related issues" in roadmap for a specific target version 2011-03-09 22:47 UI Actions
7645 Redmine Defect New Issue summary should filter Assignee & Author lists 2011-02-18 08:48 UI Actions
7643 Redmine Feature New "edit" action directly in report page (not right-click) 2011-02-17 22:28 UI Actions
6481 Redmine Feature New Gravatars: Add option to force default avatar display 2011-02-11 12:39 UI Actions
7546 Redmine Feature New Right click on Issues/Roadmap -> 'Assigned to' too long / scrollbar not good enough 2011-02-04 16:49 UI Actions
7542 Redmine Feature New Allow deeper structure in reports 2011-02-04 12:12 UI Actions
7358 Redmine Feature New Activity Tab customization 2011-01-18 14:37 UI Actions
3439 Redmine Feature New @Admin: custom fields: Show all available fields 2010-12-30 05:30 UI Actions
4603 Redmine Feature New Add projects-breadcrumb to Gantt and Calendar views ending at "all projects" 2010-12-16 06:44 UI Actions
7058 Redmine Patch New Duplicate submit and link buttons on top of the edit form. 2010-12-10 02:41 UI Actions
6995 Redmine Feature New multi-action with the context menu on a issue 2010-11-29 18:36 UI Actions
4284 Redmine Feature New Improve "New issue" view for many project members 2010-10-25 17:00 UI Actions
6265 Redmine Feature New Indented / collapsible sub-issues in Roadmap 2010-09-09 19:52 UI Actions
6301 Redmine Defect New Unintuitive display of groups in project settings 2010-09-05 23:37 UI Actions
6298 Redmine Feature New Updating through context menu should scroll back to the same line 2010-09-05 02:48 UI Actions
6209 Redmine Feature New Allow adding a "following issue" 2010-08-25 16:32 UI Actions
6179 Redmine Defect New Required fields aren't denoted on the batch-edit forms 2010-08-19 23:08 UI Actions
6104 Redmine Feature New Asign CSS classes for the "Custom queries" and the "issue" a-tags 2010-08-11 16:05 UI Actions
5749 Redmine Defect New ETag on activity page ignores module, theme, project name changes 2010-08-09 21:06 UI Actions
6053 Redmine Patch New Fixed issue list context menu overflow 2010-08-06 12:38 UI Actions
5872 Redmine Feature New Deeper integration of help topics 2010-07-13 23:29 UI Actions
5727 Redmine Feature New merge subtasks and related issues on UI level 2010-07-01 10:55 UI Actions
5730 Redmine Feature New breadcrumb trail should be redone 2010-06-22 21:17 UI Actions
5729 Redmine Feature New all relationships should be displayed in relationship box 2010-06-22 21:16 UI Actions
5105 Redmine Feature New Default Tab when going to project 2010-06-10 22:18 UI Actions
5645 Redmine Feature New Show last activity on hover within the issue list 2010-06-06 09:28 UI Actions
5556 Redmine Patch New Display more projects in project jump box 2010-05-21 11:33 UI Actions
5086 Redmine Feature New Add a warning to inform that target version is reset while moving an issue to another project 2010-05-20 11:12 UI Actions
5289 Redmine Feature New Add Initials to options in 'User Display' settings 2010-04-13 23:42 UI Actions
5307 Redmine Feature New Enhanced display interactions on issue list 2010-04-13 20:14 UI Actions
4956 Redmine Defect New Proejct Settings submenu disappearing when viewing another controller 2010-03-04 06:33 UI Actions
4685 Redmine Feature New Custom single issue views 2010-01-28 23:11 UI Actions
4507 Redmine Feature New Changing field order to input Firstname and Lastname 2010-01-01 11:42 UI Actions
4432 Redmine Feature New Custom highlighting for certain user-role comments 2009-12-25 20:38 UI Actions
4374 Redmine Feature New Issues - Description preview on hover 2009-12-24 19:51 UI Actions
4470 Redmine Feature New The text width should be able to adaptive 2009-12-22 13:40 UI Actions
4091 Redmine Feature New "Comment" link for issues 2009-11-08 10:39 UI Actions
4013 Redmine Feature New Have one color for one project/subproject 2009-10-09 23:25 UI Actions
3059 Redmine Feature New Placement of input controls when adding related issue 2009-03-27 11:15 UI Actions
2973 Redmine Feature New using smaller then or bigger then to all valid fields 2009-03-15 20:25 UI Actions
2565 Redmine Feature New Replacing projects/add page with projects/settings 2009-01-26 09:31 UI Actions
2497 Redmine Feature New Keystroke Recognition: Quick Links 2009-01-13 08:34 UI Actions
1308 Redmine Feature New use ajax suggestion pattern to fill out single potentially big fields, like "assigned to", "author" 2008-06-20 17:12 UI Actions
42284 Redmine Defect New Redmine Change Properties showing Multiple Locale 2025-02-17 16:10 Translations Actions
33457 Redmine Patch New Croatian translations for v4.1.1 2023-10-25 16:35 Translations Actions
39135 Redmine Feature New Kurdish - ckb (central Kurdish) 2023-10-02 15:05 Translations Actions
38652 Redmine Patch New Actual translation of Syntax Wiki Bulgarien 2023-06-02 11:45 Translations Actions
37942 Redmine Patch New Traditional Chinese translation (to r21959) 2022-11-17 03:23 Translations Actions
37581 Redmine Defect New Wrong csv separator in Hungarian 2022-08-25 10:13 Translations Actions
37176 Redmine Feature New Mutli language public queries 2022-05-31 10:50 Translations Actions
3068 Redmine Feature New Generic task management (not issues) 2022-03-28 22:46 Translations Actions
32405 Redmine Patch New Updating sq translation 2022-01-06 14:38 Translations Actions
33726 Redmine Patch New Translate Vietnamese 2021-11-03 09:44 Translations Actions
35471 Redmine Feature New Split field_is_private to two labels for correct Russian translation 2021-07-01 14:24 Translations Actions
34149 Redmine Defect New Russian names for months in wrong declension 2020-10-21 18:55 Translations Actions
33774 Redmine Patch New Update Russian translation 2020-07-29 10:17 Translations Actions
33420 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Parent wrongly translated to "subproject of" 2020-07-27 11:40 Translations Actions
(501-600/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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