



Feature #1380


Deleting an issue only marks it as being deleted

Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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It would be fantastic if deleting issues only marked them as being deleted, and providing a "recently deleted" link under "change log" link n the right-hand side. Going to this list would give you the option to completely purge items, which would actually deleting the issue from the database.

I've learnt the hard way - just deleted two issues when I was trying to "move" them using the context menu. I though I clicked "move", quickly clicked OK on the confirmation dialog without reading it (thinking 'yes, I want to move these items'), and watched the issues disappear. Restoring our database backup from yesterday now..... :(

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #6666: Soft delete of issuesNew2010-10-14

Related to Redmine - Feature #7900: Restore issueNew2011-03-17

Related to Redmine - Feature #18027: Notification when deleting an issueNew

Has duplicate Redmine - Defect #25595: Important usability bug - Too easy to delete issuesClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

I like this idea, which is very close to enterprise requirements. Maybe we could add it an option in the admin panel to bypass this new feature in order to keep the old way to do...

Actions #2

Updated by Mark Gallop over 16 years ago

My workaround was to disable deletion of issues by normal users and give them a "Trash" tracker to move issues to. I then use a rake task to delete "trashed" issues if they were moved more than 2 weeks ago.

A little clunky but at least it can be accomplished without altering Redmine.


Actions #3

Updated by Andrew Ness over 15 years ago

I would really like this to be implemented. I just came back from vacation and a couple of issues were unexpectedly deleted. I assumed they would just be flagged as deleted, but their rows in the issues table have actually been removed. I'll try to merge them back in from database archives, but it seems that implementing this feature would make things a lot easier.

Actions #4

Updated by Aaron Soules over 15 years ago

There is an excellent rails plugin called acts_as_paranoid that could potentially be used. I sets a deleted_at field on the table, and modifies ActiveRecord so that it does not find things deleted in the past.


Actions #5

Updated by Dipan Mehta over 11 years ago

+1. Very necessary to have this feature.

Actions #6

Updated by Stéphane Champeau over 11 years ago

+1 today I had this problem with one user. The idea of ​​"trash" looks good.

Actions #8

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago

Actions #9

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago

Actions #10

Updated by Lubos Racansky over 10 years ago


Actions #12

Updated by claude g over 10 years ago

+1 Also, in case of deletion (this could be a dedicated feature) : we should have a notification with the all (and final) history of the tracker. Why not like a pdf export if easier but a full history.

Actions #13

Updated by Steven M over 10 years ago

Looks like maintainer does not care about his users. When is this feature going to be implemented?

Actions #14

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #18027: Notification when deleting an issue added
Actions #15

Updated by Sam XIAO over 9 years ago

Dipan Mehta wrote:

+1. Very necessary to have this feature.

admin made a mistake delete a issue. and then want to bring it back.

and no email notification configured, so i have no any history information about the deleted issue.

Actions #16

Updated by Sam XIAO over 9 years ago

i want to add delete trigger on the table issue, can i?

Actions #17

Updated by Kevin Palm over 9 years ago


Actions #18

Updated by Daniel de Wildt over 9 years ago


Actions #19

Updated by Rudolf Osman over 9 years ago


Actions #20

Updated by Đức Long Nguyễn over 9 years ago

Good idea! I like it

Nick Read wrote:

It would be fantastic if deleting issues only marked them as being deleted, and providing a "recently deleted" link under "change log" link n the right-hand side. Going to this list would give you the option to completely purge items, which would actually deleting the issue from the database.

I've learnt the hard way - just deleted two issues when I was trying to "move" them using the context menu. I though I clicked "move", quickly clicked OK on the confirmation dialog without reading it (thinking 'yes, I want to move these items'), and watched the issues disappear. Restoring our database backup from yesterday now..... :(

Actions #21

Updated by Ami Desai over 9 years ago


Actions #22

Updated by Paco Alcaide over 9 years ago


I would like too.

Actions #23

Updated by Matthew Palencia over 9 years ago


Actions #24

Updated by juntao liu almost 9 years ago


Actions #25

Updated by Anh Le Giang over 8 years ago

+1 this is a "must have" feature nowaday

Actions #26

Updated by Fred B over 8 years ago

This feature is mandatory. +1000!

Any development? Plugin that can do something similar? Main goal is to have a way to rollback. Or at least to prevent deleting by replacing the Delete button for a Archive function.

Actions #27

Updated by Yevgen Vor about 8 years ago

+1 . Guys, please, I don't want to come back to Jira hell.

Actions #28

Updated by Laurent Barbareau about 8 years ago

Unbelievable that there's at least no confirmation message !

Managing a deletion flag instead of a pure deletion is certainly tricky to implement now but backing up the records prior to delete them, into dedicated tables or even a kind of log file, should be quite easy to implement, no ?!

Actions #29

Updated by Alexander Dyachkov about 8 years ago

I was really amazed when didn't find this feature in new & stable version of Redmine (after occasionaly deleting an issue, of course). According to this issue's info, it's 8 years old - please devs, do something about it.

Actions #30

Updated by Steve Hanselman almost 8 years ago

I think this is an essential feature, however, after 8 years it's not looking likely!

The ideal would be to mark as deleted then have a job that hard deletes after a set period of time (configured from settings).

Actions #31

Updated by Inese Ez almost 8 years ago


Actions #32

Updated by Fred B almost 8 years ago

Essential feature!

Anyone working on this?

Actions #33

Updated by Randa Bustami over 7 years ago

Fred B wrote:

Essential feature!

Anyone working on this?

its very important to know who delete and when, if you can generate report from redmine log file would be great

Actions #34

Updated by Randa Bustami about 7 years ago

please please
its very important to know who delete and when, if you can generate report from redmine log file would be great

Actions #35

Updated by Jaime Iranzo about 7 years ago


Please, essential feature!

Actions #36

Updated by Karl Wilbur almost 7 years ago


Not being able to track deletion of, and potentially restore, deleted issues is significant shortcoming.

This is a seemingly simple thing to implement. Why has it not been implemented in 9 years?

Actions #37

Updated by Aleksandar Pavic almost 7 years ago

There are some plugins helping with this but +1...

However there might be trouble giving proper statistics with tickets...

Statistics would have to include "if not some_field=deleted" ...

Actions #38

Updated by Anton Sergeev over 6 years ago

Thanks to Guy Baconniere for him #1380#note-24. I restore deleted Issue (issue_id=3381) in PostgreSQL using this:

createdb restore_redmine_db
zcat my_redmine_DB_dump.sql.gz | psql restore_redmine_db

for i in $tables; do
  _t=${i%;*}; _id=${i#*;}; echo "t=$_t; _id=$_id";
  psql --command="COPY (SELECT * FROM ${_t} where ${_id} = ${issue_id}) TO STDOUT;" restore_redmine_db | psql --command="COPY ${_t} FROM STDIN;" original_redmine_db

dropdb restore_redmine_db

In addition, you need to restore attachment files. Their locations can be found with this:
RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails r "Attachment.where(container_id: ${issue_id}).sort.each do |_a| puts _a.diskfile; end" 

Actions #39

Updated by Yuuki NARA over 5 years ago


As a workaround, there is also a way to simply change the project_id of the issue.
(Project_id -> 0, -% Project_id%,% Project_trashcan%)

The following requirements can be satisfied.

1.Even if you specify the ticket number, it is not displayed on the screen
2.The ticket is not displayed on the Project issue list screen
3.Data on the issue can not be changed.
4.The administrator can easily return to the original state when necessary.

Actions #40

Updated by Peter Lustig about 5 years ago

Rename buttons on-the-fly via reverse proxy Nginx (nginx-extras on Ubuntu 18.04). Of course you need proxy_pass with include proxy_params to do this.

        # Umlaute are OK.
        # g = Replace all the match strings.
        # i = Perform a case-insensitive match.
        # o = Just replace the first one.
        # r = The pattern is treated as a regular expression, default is fixed string.
        subs_filter '(<a class="projects(?: selected)?" href="/projects">Projects)' '<a class="projects" href="/issues">Issues</a></li><li>$1' or;
        subs_filter '(<a class="projects(?: selected)?" href="/projects">Projekte)' '<a class="projects" href="/issues">Tickets</a></li><li>$1' or;
        subs_filter '(<a[^>]+href="/issues[^>"]+">)Löschen</a>' '$1Das gesamte Ticket löschen</a>' gr;
        subs_filter '(<a[^>]+href="/issues[^>"]+">)Delete</a>' '$1Delete entire ticket</a>' gr;

It has happened to us many times that people wanted to delete their comment quickly and deleted the whole ticket because the button is just Delete. With this solution, the probability of this happening is minimized.

Actions #41

Updated by Miodrag Milic over 4 years ago

During the last 10 years people deleted accidentally countless tickets.

There is no easy way to recover them.

I found that setting up RSS client to record each and every ticket change is probably the easiest way (files are gone tho but this can be downloaded by some clients too).

Actions #42

Updated by Go MAEDA over 1 year ago

  • Has duplicate Defect #25595: Important usability bug - Too easy to delete issues added
Actions #43

Updated by Martin von Wittich over 1 year ago

Anton Sergeev wrote in #note-38:

Thanks to Guy Baconniere for him #1380#note-24. I restore deleted Issue (issue_id=3381) in PostgreSQL using this:
In addition, you need to restore attachment files. Their locations can be found with this:

I'm pretty sure this does not correctly restore journal_details. The code attempts to match journal_details.journal_id with the ticket ID, but as far as I can tell, journal_details.journal_id references


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