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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
7376 Redmine Feature New Allow percent done to be updated via VCS commit message 2021-01-22 13:51 SCM Actions
7321 Redmine Feature New use svn:externals property value to include secondary repository in project 2012-06-29 11:51 SCM Actions
7062 Redmine Feature New About Repository update notification problem 2010-12-11 13:15 SCM Actions
6982 Redmine Feature New Change in behavior of Repository auto-fetch feature 2010-12-04 13:10 SCM Actions
6903 Redmine Feature New Make changeset views more configurable 2011-03-23 06:47 SCM Actions
6892 Redmine Feature New Automatic repository creation. 2011-01-04 05:46 SCM Actions
6566 Redmine Feature New Convert the git adapter to rugged 2013-02-25 10:37 SCM Actions
6515 Redmine Feature New Mercurial hgrc support with issues auto-syncronizaton 2011-03-02 05:58 SCM Actions
6485 Redmine Feature New add more statistics function 2010-09-25 04:54 SCM Actions
6395 Redmine Feature New Git Notes 2013-06-07 09:33 SCM Actions
6352 Redmine Feature New Showing diff of structural changes in repository 2011-03-11 19:29 SCM Actions
6175 Redmine Feature New Shared storage for projects tree 2010-08-19 07:22 SCM Actions
5665 Redmine Feature New Subversion: there is no information about property changes 2019-07-07 10:30 SCM Actions
5386 Redmine Feature New Branch/Tags in Changeset Description 2022-11-14 12:51 SCM Actions
5380 Redmine Feature New Repository Interaction 2011-03-24 07:56 SCM Actions
5279 Redmine Feature New Branch level associations between projects and repositories. 2010-04-09 04:27 SCM Actions
5083 Redmine Feature New Add the ability to view a range of revisions 2011-05-13 12:53 SCM Actions
4823 Redmine Feature New Don't evaluate commit-message "refs, closes, ..." when adding a repository 2013-02-09 03:17 SCM Actions
4746 Redmine Feature New Adapt repository statistics charts to number of developers 2010-02-05 17:12 SCM Actions
4741 Redmine Feature New Improve Bazaar repositories error message in case to use shared repository 2011-11-21 05:57 SCM Actions
4642 Redmine Feature New Subversion repository creation and user authentication (including repository ACLs) support 2011-04-22 14:15 SCM Actions
4567 Redmine Feature New Show repository path 2018-03-28 08:21 SCM Actions
4457 Redmine Feature New Support for remote Git repositories via RESTful API 2016-10-25 20:00 SCM Actions
4185 Redmine Feature New Add ClearCase SCM support 2011-08-19 04:09 SCM Actions
4078 Redmine Feature New ctags support in repository browser 2011-02-20 15:53 SCM Actions
3973 Redmine Feature New When closing an issue with a commit, add the commit message to the issue 2013-01-13 21:04 SCM Actions
3687 Redmine Feature New Possibility to link all projects to a single SVN repository 2015-06-30 18:56 SCM Actions
3667 Redmine Feature New granular post-commit hook 2010-07-14 11:23 SCM Actions
3559 Redmine Feature New Allow viewing of sub-revision in Bazaar VCS revision history 2011-01-18 07:14 SCM Actions
3520 Redmine Feature New Repo associated to main project should be inherited by subprojects 2011-03-23 09:27 SCM Actions
3082 Redmine Feature New Repository Search 2015-08-07 07:48 SCM Actions
3081 Redmine Feature New Reposity browser expand lookup 2011-01-24 01:46 SCM Actions
3030 Redmine Feature New [#2614] one can not change the repository in Setting/Repository, just delete 2011-03-23 05:28 SCM Actions
2975 Redmine Feature New Associated revisions, show all 2011-03-23 08:04 SCM Actions
2870 Redmine Feature New Recursive download from the repository 2018-08-09 20:26 SCM Actions
2799 Redmine Feature New Support for Bazaar's shared reposetories (created with init-repo) 2013-01-25 19:24 SCM Actions
2612 Redmine Feature New Pass svn subcommand switches to diff and blame 2011-01-18 08:11 SCM Actions
2374 Redmine Feature New Autocreate ticket according to changeset 2011-03-23 07:54 SCM Actions
2372 Redmine Feature New Ideas for the Revisions page 2010-09-28 05:51 SCM Actions
2315 Redmine Feature New Different repository access rights for different users 2009-10-04 22:28 SCM Actions
2287 Redmine Feature New Display the list of files impacted by an issue across revision 2016-09-13 18:31 SCM Actions
2235 Redmine Feature New Differential: New Line changes 2016-09-14 14:27 SCM Actions
2214 Redmine Feature New Autocreate repositories 2012-10-28 18:33 SCM Actions
1948 Redmine Feature New Display Git Submodule 2018-02-28 16:10 SCM Actions
1837 Redmine Feature New Alternate method for repository creation 2008-10-07 14:15 SCM Actions
1657 Redmine Feature New Subprojects can share their parent project's repository 2017-12-08 07:00 SCM Actions
1536 Redmine Feature New Using libsvn 2014-04-03 12:39 SCM Actions
1453 Redmine Feature New Display "Repository is being created" status for pending repositories 2011-01-18 06:59 SCM Actions
1452 Redmine Feature New Automatic repository URL base 2011-01-18 07:00 SCM Actions
1443 Redmine Feature New Making the Repository module as nice as the Trac one 2012-02-01 08:51 SCM Actions
1424 Redmine Feature New improve repository viewer 2013-06-25 09:09 SCM Actions
1411 Redmine Feature New Add support for tag-browsing in CVS 2014-11-21 11:05 SCM Actions
1410 Redmine Feature New When downloading a file from the repository : don't fill the memory with bytes 2014-07-23 12:29 SCM Actions
1371 Redmine Feature New Entry model 2011-03-23 07:31 SCM Actions
1339 Redmine Feature New Comments on revisions 2015-11-17 19:04 SCM Actions
1311 Redmine Feature New Subversion: Show revision histories for branches 2011-03-23 05:34 SCM Actions
1274 Redmine Feature New Add option to make auto-fetch changesets fetch when activity/issues are viewed 2008-05-21 21:24 SCM Actions
1232 Redmine Feature New Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages 2013-10-05 12:34 SCM Actions
1063 Redmine Feature New repository auto-update should be called on opening activity 2013-03-18 17:28 SCM Actions
1036 Redmine Feature New Commit validation checking on comments 2012-05-03 08:02 SCM Actions
539 Redmine Feature New Repository browser per Project Version. 2011-01-02 11:52 SCM Actions
38805 Redmine Feature Needs feedback Add support for GitHub 2023-09-05 18:42 SCM Actions
17153 Redmine Feature Needs feedback Working Multiples svn in project and svn advanced integration don't allow to connect to other repo with the users 2014-06-30 08:34 SCM Actions
10514 Redmine Feature Reopened Follow file rename/move on repository file history (git) 2012-03-21 23:31 SCM Actions
8915 Redmine Feature Reopened Use *.exe (e.g. hg.exe) for SCM command on Windows 2011-11-12 01:21 SCM Actions
3988 Redmine Feature Reopened Show diff in revision page 2013-08-19 23:56 SCM Actions
3575 Redmine Feature Reopened Diff with older revision 2009-08-26 11:23 SCM Actions
1689 Redmine Feature Reopened Tab Width 2015-02-17 06:57 SCM Actions
339 Redmine Feature Reopened perforce SCM support 2022-05-13 19:52 SCM Actions
40552 Redmine Feature New Activate CustomField when status changes 2024-05-13 10:50 Ruby support Actions
39882 Redmine Feature New Highlight selected version on the Roadmap view 2024-05-16 10:49 Roadmap Actions
36204 Redmine Feature New Add links from roadmap and a specific version to files associated with a version 2021-11-17 16:51 Roadmap Actions
35760 Redmine Feature New Add a fallback-mechanism to Version#due_date similar to Version#start_date 2021-08-14 11:52 Roadmap Actions
33730 Redmine Feature New Add new issue links for each version to the version list page 2020-09-06 09:24 Roadmap Actions
32360 Redmine Feature New Option to show only open or closed issues in Roadmap 2019-10-30 11:00 Roadmap Actions
32278 Redmine Feature New Display Global Roadmap without any tracker 2019-10-17 10:12 Roadmap Actions
31581 Redmine Feature New Issue burnup chart in the version detail 2019-06-20 17:44 Roadmap Actions
27882 Redmine Feature New Relation between versions: versions can bundle other project versions 2018-01-03 09:33 Roadmap Actions
23287 Redmine Feature New Better structuring of Version page 2017-11-14 06:43 Roadmap Actions
23286 Redmine Feature New Customizable state model workflow for versions 2016-07-09 15:10 Roadmap Actions
23285 Redmine Feature New Version to have history 2016-11-22 22:12 Roadmap Actions
22959 Redmine Feature New Customize "Related issues" list in version detail 2016-06-06 17:32 Roadmap Actions
21425 Redmine Feature New Show number of commits for each issue 2015-12-04 13:40 Roadmap Actions
18560 Redmine Feature New Show issues with custom field of type Version as related issues in the Roadmap 2016-06-06 18:16 Roadmap Actions
18126 Redmine Feature New Allow setting up version hierarchy 2016-06-27 06:47 Roadmap Actions
18030 Redmine Feature New Sorting and singnaling subtasks in Roadmap 2014-10-04 14:06 Roadmap Actions
17907 Redmine Feature New Give 'version' another meaning 2019-09-21 08:12 Roadmap Actions
17658 Redmine Feature New Summary report against Version needs to be more more detailed 2014-09-07 17:11 Roadmap Actions
16877 Redmine Feature New Way to filter tasks in project by milestones from child projects 2014-05-13 21:43 Roadmap Actions
15180 Redmine Feature New Start date on versions 2021-08-16 19:47 Roadmap Actions
14620 Redmine Feature New indicate private flag of issues in roadmap by parenthesis 2013-08-07 02:30 Roadmap Actions
14236 Redmine Feature New Configurable shared version visibility to non project members 2013-06-07 13:07 Roadmap Actions
14054 Redmine Feature New Option to hide subtasks in Roadmap 2013-05-15 04:18 Roadmap Actions
13670 Redmine Feature New Configure display of completed versions by default 2013-04-03 14:15 Roadmap Actions
13548 Redmine Feature New Remove wiki-page rendering in version roadmap page 2013-04-11 14:27 Roadmap Actions
13387 Redmine Feature New Improving Redmine's version model (not just milestones) 2016-11-22 22:11 Roadmap Actions
13058 Redmine Feature New Roadmap version sort order - versions with date always on top 2013-03-01 00:28 Roadmap Actions
12982 Redmine Feature New Add status 'active' to versions 2013-02-02 06:40 Roadmap Actions
11632 Redmine Feature New Watch Roadmap 2012-08-14 15:18 Roadmap Actions
10969 Redmine Feature New Sort issue in roadmap by status 2012-05-19 12:53 Roadmap Actions
(2001-2100/4809) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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