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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
36226 Redmine Defect Closed Psych 4: Psych::DisallowedClass exception when unserializing a setting value 2022-02-09 02:20 Gems support Actions
39187 Redmine Defect Closed User abhishekjoshi crated pages containing strange information not related to Redmine (probably SPAM) 2023-10-16 08:51 Website ( Actions
39588 Redmine Defect Closed User Ridamaouchep created a strange empty Wiki page (probably SPAM) 2023-11-22 05:53 Website ( Actions
40165 Redmine Defect Closed User sailaja m has strange activity Forum/Wiki pages 2024-02-01 00:47 Website ( Actions
40101 Redmine Defect Closed User Sivakanth Kesiraju created strange empty Wiki pages (probably SPAM) 2024-01-24 01:15 Website ( Actions
40015 Redmine Defect Closed User 婉茹 黃 (ET_cookie) created strange Wiki page (probably SPAM) 2024-01-08 16:01 Website ( Actions
38921 Redmine Defect Closed Wiki Mnaush page contains strange information not related to Redmine 2023-08-10 10:03 Website ( Actions
35308 Redmine Defect Closed "Add news" button on global news index is displayed for users without permissions 2021-06-02 02:36 News Actions
32110 Redmine Defect Closed "already initialized constant Redmine::Scm::Adapters::SubversionAdapter::SVN_BIN" warning when executing rake tasks 2019-10-04 01:30 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
38286 Redmine Defect Closed "Cannot delete enumeration" error may occur when attempting to delete a project with time entries 2023-03-26 00:50 Projects Actions
20277 Redmine Defect Closed "Couldn't find template for digesting" error in the log when sending a thumbnail or an attachment 2019-12-12 15:57 Attachments Actions
13199 Redmine Defect Closed "Edit" misaligned in project members view 2022-01-16 06:02 Project settings Actions
38788 Redmine Defect Closed "has been" and "has never been" filter operators can be very slow 2023-06-30 11:41 Issues Actions
34375 Redmine Defect Closed "is not" operator for Subproject filter incorrectly excludes closed subprojects 2020-12-29 08:14 Filters Actions
30367 Redmine Defect Closed "Last updated by" filter causes an SQL error with MariaDB 2019-03-13 16:25 Issues filter Actions
38217 Redmine Defect Closed "Property changes" tab does not appear when all issue journals have both notes and property changes 2023-02-03 02:01 Issues Actions
30811 Redmine Defect Closed "rake db:fixtures:load" does not work 2019-05-05 04:03 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
30967 Redmine Defect Closed "rake test:coverage" fails in Ruby 2.5 and 2.6 2019-03-10 03:07 Ruby support Actions
33059 Redmine Defect Closed "Role" dropdown in Workflow page is unexpectedly expanded when selecting "all" 2020-02-29 15:27 Issues workflow Actions
31371 Redmine Defect Closed "Stay logged in" checkbox in Sign in page is misaligned after r18056 2019-05-16 10:05 UI Actions
27586 Redmine Defect Closed "Uncheck all" icon at the upper left corner in workflow status transitions page is not working 2017-11-25 16:42 Administration Actions
30955 Redmine Defect Closed "View all issues" link in email reminders points to issues list which does not include issues assigned to a group 2019-03-03 23:33 Email notifications Actions
37812 Redmine Defect Closed "Yes" and "No" are swapped in Polish translation 2022-10-22 08:57 Translations Actions
34615 Redmine Defect Closed 'Search' falsy parameters are not respected 2021-02-08 07:24 REST API Actions
31599 Redmine Defect Closed 'selected' class disappears from the tab of the input field when switching the issue history tab 2019-06-22 02:21 UI Actions
28686 Redmine Defect Closed /users API does not accept boolean-like String values for generate_password 2018-05-07 03:35 REST API Actions
37271 Redmine Defect Closed 4.1.7 and 4.2.5 versions are missing due dates 2022-06-22 01:49 Website ( Actions
33930 Redmine Defect Closed 500 error when attempting to create custom field enumeration with empty name 2020-12-06 03:56 Custom fields Actions
20042 Redmine Defect Closed A test fail when running it with PostgreSQL 2022-12-09 06:58 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
31620 Redmine Defect Closed ActivitiesControllerTest#test_previous_project_index fails depending on the current time and zone 2019-06-25 09:37 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
34805 Redmine Defect Closed Activity tab in cross-project menu is sometimes broken 2021-03-07 06:16 UI Actions
30120 Redmine Defect Closed Add missing fixture for reports_controller_test 2018-12-07 10:19 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
37389 Redmine Defect Closed Add missing fixture to JournalObserverTest 2022-07-06 23:55 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
29990 Redmine Defect Closed Add missing fixtures for test_create_should_send_notification 2018-11-29 07:54 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
30054 Redmine Defect Closed Add missing fixtures for test_create_with_one_attachment 2018-11-29 07:58 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
31508 Redmine Defect Closed Add missing frozen strings and copyrights 2019-11-02 14:54 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
35226 Redmine Defect Closed Add SameSite=Lax to cookies to fix warnings in web browsers 2021-06-16 16:17 Accounts / authentication Actions
15634 Redmine Defect Closed Add watching users to a ticket should switch "watch" link to "unwatch" if own user was added 2021-07-25 04:28 Issues Actions
33601 Redmine Defect Closed Additional email addresses are not displayed in user profile page 2020-06-27 07:43 Accounts / authentication Actions
31311 Redmine Defect Closed admin/info page: text cut off in pre tag on mobile 2019-05-09 00:27 UI - Responsive Actions
30073 Redmine Defect Closed Ajax Request Returns 200 but an error event is fired instead of success 2019-02-28 10:49 REST API Actions
37884 Redmine Defect Closed All system tests fail on 4.2-stable branch with "ArgumentError: unknown keyword: :desired_capabilities" 2022-11-03 10:43 Gems support Actions
29607 Redmine Defect Closed Allow project column to break into new line in time entry table 2018-09-27 15:23 UI Actions
34367 Redmine Defect Closed Allowed filename extensions of attachments can be circumvented 2022-06-21 08:12 Attachments Actions
40208 Redmine Defect Closed An ActionController::RespondToMismatchError occurred in welcome#robots 2024-02-09 05:51 SEO Actions
35039 Redmine Defect Closed API create issue relation method returns undefined method `split' when issue id is sent as integer 2021-04-13 04:46 REST API Actions
31388 Redmine Defect Closed ApiTest fails if config.time_zone is set 2019-06-08 08:44 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
19925 Redmine Defect Closed Arabic settings page - Icons are not aligned correctly 2021-08-10 14:55 I18n Actions
33925 Redmine Defect Closed ArgumentError in lib/redmine/twofa/base.rb after updating a source file in development mode 2020-08-31 10:30 Accounts / authentication Actions
34933 Redmine Defect Closed Atom feed of the activity page does not contain items after the second page 2021-04-13 04:42 Activity view Actions
29259 Redmine Defect Closed Attachment preview does not work for some source files such as JavaScript and Go 2019-05-04 12:29 Attachments Actions
28576 Redmine Defect Closed Attachments are added even if validation fails when updating an issue via email 2018-11-24 12:22 Email receiving Actions
30441 Redmine Defect Closed Attachments with Unicode uppercase names are not shown in wiki pages 2019-04-18 16:32 Attachments Actions
29883 Redmine Defect Closed AttachmentsVisibilityTest and Redmine::AttachmentFieldFormatTest fail randomly due to uninitialized User.current 2018-11-03 08:17 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
28259 Redmine Defect Closed attachments_fields id to class change not properly reflected in all CSS 2018-03-02 05:37 UI Actions
32450 Redmine Defect Closed Attempts to get "" by Chrome DevTool causes RoutingError. 2019-12-03 10:17 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
38064 Redmine Defect Closed Avoid exception when adding a project without any givable roles defined 2023-03-05 06:22 Project settings Actions
32024 Redmine Defect Closed Broken gzip icon in the repository view 2019-09-05 11:54 UI Actions
29602 Redmine Defect Closed Broken icons in context menu on spent time page 2018-09-14 02:25 UI Actions
32012 Redmine Defect Closed Broken JavaScript icon in the repository view 2019-09-05 02:03 UI Actions
33339 Redmine Defect Closed Broken layout of the preview tab of "Welcome text" setting due to unexpectedly applied padding-left 2020-04-28 03:28 Administration Actions
37719 Redmine Defect Closed Broken serialized columns, if saved time was with Rails 4.2 2022-09-30 09:02 Plugin API Actions
30664 Redmine Defect Closed Bulgarian translation 2019-02-03 00:23 Translations Actions
30732 Redmine Defect Closed Bulgarian translation update for 4.0-stable 2019-02-03 09:04 Translations Actions
35621 Redmine Defect Closed Bundler fails to install globalid when using Ruby < 2.6.0 2021-07-30 01:30 Gems support Actions
33768 Redmine Defect Closed Bundler may fail to install stringio if Ruby prior to 2.5 is used 2020-07-28 17:03 Gems support Actions
28482 Redmine Defect Closed Buttons are disabled when modal is opened again after exporting CSV 2018-05-01 06:34 UI Actions
14846 Redmine Defect Closed Calculation of the start date of following issues ignores the "non-working days" setting 2018-03-08 08:46 Issues Actions
32194 Redmine Defect Closed Calendar page lacks buttons to manage custom queries 2019-11-30 02:06 Calendar Actions
33932 Redmine Defect Closed Can't view "My account" page when 2fa is setting to optional 2020-08-31 23:46 Accounts / authentication Actions
38443 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot add a user to a group if the group is a member without roles in a certain project 2023-04-14 01:01 Groups Actions
34982 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot change the default version and default assignee under settings 2022-12-14 09:54 Issues Actions
27533 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot change the priority of the parent issue in issue query context menu when parent priority is independent of children 2017-12-26 08:13 Issues list Actions
28636 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot find an issue from a closed subproject when search scope is Project and its subprojects 2018-12-07 02:39 Search engine Actions
30256 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot make cross-project wiki link if the project name includes square brackets 2019-03-03 02:46 Text formatting Actions
34998 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot open journal dropdown menu after editing note 2021-04-06 07:49 UI Actions
33639 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot paste image from clipboard when copying the image from web browsers or some apps 2020-06-26 15:50 Attachments Actions
36363 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot select text in a table with a context menu available 2022-01-11 01:37 UI Actions
29191 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot set no_notification option when receiving emails via IMAP or POP3 2018-07-06 03:53 Email receiving Actions
34618 Redmine Defect Closed Cannot sign in when both enabling two-factor authentication and changing password are required 2021-02-02 08:15 Accounts / authentication Actions
27780 Redmine Defect Closed Case-insensitive matching fails for Unicode filenames when referring to attachments in text formatting 2021-03-21 00:29 Text formatting Actions
27110 Redmine Defect Closed Changing the tracker to a tracker with the tracker field set to read-only won't work 2017-11-26 03:33 Issues Actions
8251 Redmine Defect Closed Classic Theme: Missed base line 2020-06-29 11:14 Themes Actions
32812 Redmine Defect Closed Clicking on a parent object in gantt wrongly collapses objects at the same level 2020-01-18 01:23 Gantt Actions
33548 Redmine Defect Closed Column header is clickable even when the column is not actually sortable 2021-03-14 07:59 Issues list Actions
38073 Redmine Defect Closed CommonMark Markdown formatter does not support min-width, max-width, min-height, and max-height CSS properties 2023-01-16 13:57 Text formatting Actions
39755 Redmine Defect Closed CommonMark Markdown help page does not reflect user's language setting 2023-12-07 14:03 Text formatting Actions
37694 Redmine Defect Closed CommonMark Markdown task list item markers are not exported to PDF 2023-09-21 16:27 PDF export Actions
38250 Redmine Defect Closed config/settings.yml not closed in Setting.load_available_settings 2023-02-15 10:10 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
31264 Redmine Defect Closed Conflicting translation between "track" and "watch" in Simplified Chinese 2019-04-30 04:40 Translations Actions
31695 Redmine Defect Closed Convert HTML links to Textile/Markdown links when creating an issue from an email 2019-11-09 07:06 Email receiving Actions
28765 Redmine Defect Closed Copying an issue fails if the issue is watched by a locked user 2018-05-19 03:32 Issues Actions
38728 Redmine Defect Closed Correctly escape issue text in Gantt PNG export for ImageMagick convert 2023-09-21 02:43 Gantt Actions
31511 Redmine Defect Closed CSV export of time entries report does not honor project filter 2019-06-06 01:21 Time tracking Actions
34326 Redmine Defect Closed CSV import raises an exception if CSV header has empty columns 2020-12-05 03:17 Importers Actions
32525 Redmine Defect Closed CSV related tests fail with Rails 5.2.4 2019-12-08 01:10 Rails support Actions
36396 Redmine Defect Closed Custom I18n Pluralization rules are not applied correctly 2022-01-22 10:17 I18n Actions
29701 Redmine Defect Closed Custom queries are broken by updating with nil parameter values 2018-10-05 01:55 Issues Actions
36766 Redmine Defect Closed Database migration from Redmine 0.8.7 or earlier fails 2022-03-20 09:24 Database Actions
31116 Redmine Defect Closed Database migrations don't run correctly for plugins when specifying the `VERSION` env variable 2022-10-30 07:26 Plugin API Actions
(1-100/1532) Per page: 25, 50, 100

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF