



Feature #3972


Translation for field values

Added by Martin G about 15 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


It would be very nice when the values of fields can be translated in different languages. For example:
1st user has choose language english -> So he see the ticket status "new" to choose
2nd user has choose language german -> So he see the ticket status "neu" to choose

Files (5.23 KB) Martin G, 2013-02-19 07:49
localizable-Rails-4.2.patch (1.91 KB) localizable-Rails-4.2.patch Rails 4.2 compatibility changes Olivier Houdas, 2015-05-09 10:02

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #4668: Localisation issue : trackers / status are not localisableClosedJean-Philippe Lang2010-01-27

Related to Redmine - Feature #4886: Name of custom fields should be multilingualNew

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #6040: Translation custom fields, issue status, activities..... Closed2010-08-05

Has duplicate Redmine - Defect #7113: Status, priority, tracker are not multilanguageClosed2010-12-15

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #15575: Multi language tracker nameClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #12295: Multilanguage support for custom fieldsClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #11964: Translate-able custom captionsClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #16250: MultilanguageClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #27234: I need put the custom fields lavel in multiple languageClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Stéphane Allemand about 15 years ago

I am very interested by this ticket, because on our team we have beta tester who are Holland, Spain, German, French And english.....

Or could you explain us a way to translate this kind of values.

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Hartmann almost 15 years ago

Interestingly, the I18n catalogues contain the corresponding messages:

default_issue_status_new: Neu
default_issue_status_assigned: Zugewiesen
default_issue_status_resolved: Gelöst
default_issue_status_feedback: Feedback
default_issue_status_closed: Erledigt
default_issue_status_rejected: Abgewiesen

Actions #3

Updated by Andreas Hartmann almost 15 years ago

Andreas Hartmann wrote:

Interestingly, the I18n catalogues contain the corresponding messages:

I guess the problem is that it is hard to support generic (translated) and user-defined status names at the same time. The table would have to contain an extra column to determine if the status name is an i18n key, i.e. should be translated, or is a user-defined name.

Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 14 years ago

  • Category changed from Translations to I18n
  • Assignee deleted (Azamat Hackimov)
Actions #5

Updated by Luis Serrano Aranda over 13 years ago

This plugin makes the translation and works

Actions #6

Updated by Martin G over 13 years ago

Luis Serrano Aranda wrote:

This plugin makes the translation and works

Thank you for this info. It works perfect!

Actions #7

Updated by Artur M over 11 years ago

Martin G wrote:

Luis Serrano Aranda wrote:

This plugin makes the translation and works

Thank you for this info. It works perfect!

Not available for Redmine 2.*

Actions #8

Updated by Martin G over 11 years ago

This one will work with 2.2.x

Actions #9

Updated by Olivier Houdas about 11 years ago

I could not make it work on Redmine 2.3.1.stable :
  • first, I got an error in app/views/settings/_localizable.html.erb, line 54: {:name => "enumeration", :objects => Enumeration.find(:all, :conditions => "project_id IS NULL").sort{|a, b| a.type.downcase <=> b.type.downcase}
    because it does not like to have "type" as a column name
  • second, it could not find en.general_lang_name
  • third, when I translated some strings, it put all my "localized" pages in error, and i the log, I found "ActionView::Template::Error (translation missing:"

Anyway, I think Redmine should not need a plugin for providing a way to localize custom value names.

Actions #10

Updated by Bruno Medeiros about 11 years ago

I would be very happy to see this implemented.

Actions #11

Updated by Maxim Krušina almost 11 years ago


Actions #12

Updated by Olivier Houdas almost 11 years ago

Update: I finally have gotten it to work with the files attached. We're now using Redmine 2.3.3-stable.
The first issues I faced were probably caused by another plugin (wrong translation file headers resulting in random errors).

Actions #13

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago

Actions #14

Updated by Kevin Palm about 10 years ago


Actions #15

Updated by Fabian Strasser about 10 years ago

Please make this more important. There are many tickets out there that aim at the same problem all over Redmine, yet nothing seems to be considered. Why? This would enrich this great piece of software another great deal!

Tickets related to this issue:


and possibly many more. Yes, there are duplicates, but those only show that this is important to the users!

Actions #16

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Feature #12295: Multilanguage support for custom fields)
Actions #17

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #12295: Multilanguage support for custom fields added
Actions #18

Updated by Ralf S. almost 10 years ago


A general method to support multilingual custom fields (as in #4886) would be very worthfull! (e.g. for PDF exports in the requiered language)

Actions #19

Updated by dominik ch over 9 years ago

why is such important feature missing? :(

Actions #20

Updated by Maxim Krušina over 9 years ago


Actions #21

Updated by Slawomir CALUCH over 9 years ago


Surprisingly this is an important issue for some users.

I have non english users who are completely lost with the interface due to non obvious english trackers and custom fields.

Any news on translatable tracker and custom fields?

Actions #22

Updated by Daniel Tamajon over 9 years ago

Has anyone tested the localizable project referenced on #8 ( on 2.6.x version? I don't get it working.

Actions #23

Updated by Daniel Tamajon over 9 years ago

Sorry... I didn't installed properly... just my fault.

Actions #24

Updated by Olivier Houdas over 9 years ago

And if someone wants to use it with Redmine 3.0 (-> Rails 4.2), here is a patch to apply (5 lines changed in one file).

Actions #25

Updated by Florian ROBERT over 8 years ago


Actions #26

Updated by Anton Jakimovic over 8 years ago

Redmine localization plugin is outdated, so this issue is important to me. Actually I can't upgrade because of that.


Actions #27

Updated by Shinji Tamura almost 8 years ago


This is very useful plugin. But this plugin can't translate list values of custom field. Do you know any plugin be able to translate list values of custom field?

Actions #28

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 8 years ago

Actions #29

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 8 years ago

Actions #30

Updated by Ilya Ternovoy about 7 years ago

Our team now facing the same problem.
At least would be great to make an opportunity to translate next fields:
1. priority
2. statuses
3. actions
Now all fields in Russian, but we need to give access to our redmine for our US customer

UPD: It seems like works great! I have redmine 3.3.

  1. Download last version from
  2. Unzip on your Redmine folder /plugins.
  3. Rename the folder from localizable.x.y.z to localizable.
  4. No migration is needed.
  5. Restart you Redmine.
  6. Once installed, go to Administration, plugins and click on Configuration link on this plugin.
  7. Choose necessary languages and press apply, then put the translations in text fields.
Actions #31

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 7 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #27234: I need put the custom fields lavel in multiple language added
Actions #32

Updated by Oliver Maye over 5 years ago


Actions #33

Updated by Aleksandar Pavic about 5 years ago

Preferably this should be built-in feature..


So both field-names, and field-values should be translatable...

In order to make it work with Redmine 4, (localizable 0.4.0) you must lock i18n gem to 0.7.0 instead
of 1.6 which got installed in my case...

Actions #34

Updated by Eugene Smirnov almost 5 years ago

Wery nice!

Don't work in Redmine 4.0.5. (Translate Russian to English)

Actions #36

Updated by Veniamin Shustorovich over 4 years ago

Lucky Boy wrote:
work on 4.1.1

It's not available right now :( Is there similar plugin or, maybe, supported fork?

Actions #37

Updated by David Lesieur about 4 years ago

This one appears to work with Redmine 4.1 (and with the i18n 1.6 gem):

In my preliminary tests, having configured English as the primary language, it has allowed me to translate the names of trackers, issue statuses, custom fields, and roles.

Actions #38

Updated by Sunding Wei almost 4 years ago

David Lesieur wrote:

This one appears to work with Redmine 4.1 (and with the i18n 1.6 gem):

In my preliminary tests, having configured English as the primary language, it has allowed me to translate the names of trackers, issue statuses, custom fields, and roles.

Fixed error with redmine 4.x

ActionView::Template::Error (can't modify frozen String: ""):
    93:       <%- @settings["locales_to_translate"].each do |locale| -%>
    94:       <td align="left">
    95:         <input name="settings[locales][<%= element[:name] %>][<%= %>][<%= locale.to_s.force_encoding("UTF-8") %>]" 
    96:                value="<%= @settings["locales"][element[:name]][][locale].to_s.force_encoding("UTF-8") %>" />
    97:       </td>
    98:       <%- end -%>
    99:     </tr>

file: plugins/localizable/app/views/settings/_localizable.html.erb

-               value="<%= @settings["locales"][element[:name]][][locale].to_s.force_encoding("UTF-8") %>" />
+               value="<%= @settings["locales"][element[:name]][][locale].to_s.dup.force_encoding("UTF-8") %>" />

Actions #39

Updated by Pan Tau over 3 years ago

Thank you Sunding Wei! :-)
I tested your solution on Redmine 4.2.0.
And it works.

Actions #40

Updated by Aleksandar Pavic over 2 years ago

What's going on with this? Candidate for some future release?

Actions #41

Updated by Olivier Houdas almost 2 years ago

For those interested, this fork contains updates to make the plugin compatible with Redmine 5.0. Tested with Redmine 5.0.3 using translations done in Redmine 3.4 and it works.

Actions #42

Updated by David Farrick almost 2 years ago

I am on 5.0.3 and the plugin created errors in my redmine install based on the steps in the link for the fork above. Upon receiving errors the first time, I CHOWN permissions of the uploaded "localizable" directory to provide ownership and group membership to the redmine user. Tried to execute the bundle exec... command again and I received the same error message again. What am I missing? (I am a 1-person shop and being bad by having only a production server. I was easily able to restore a backup for my project quickly and easily, thank goodness.)

Here's my environment:

Redmine version 5.0.3.stable
Ruby version 3.0.2-p107 (2021-07-07) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version 6.1.7
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
Mailer delivery smtp
Redmine settings:
Redmine theme Default
Git 2.34.1
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed


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