



Get public help

Subject Author Created Replies Last message
How to request help Thomas Lecavelier 2008-04-29 15:52 1 Added by Eric Davis over 16 years ago
RE: How to request help
Annotate and View links in Repository Nils Adermann 2008-03-07 15:43 4 Added by Nils Adermann over 16 years ago
RE: Annotate and View links in Repository
Adding security to custom plugin vi the :authorize hook Todd Nine 2008-03-06 20:15 3 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Adding security to custom plugin vi the :authorize hook
Redmine pages not rendering properly Rob F 2008-03-09 05:10 4 Added by Todd Nine over 16 years ago
RE: Redmine pages not rendering properly
How to make Wiki tables? Rob F 2008-03-10 17:49 2 Added by Rob F over 16 years ago
RE: How to make Wiki tables?
Redmine upgrade from 0.5.1 to 0.6.3 Victor Batista 2008-03-10 23:42 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: Redmine upgrade from 0.5.1 to 0.6.3
Estimated time » is not a number Anders Malmgren 2008-03-10 14:59 2 Added by Anders Malmgren over 16 years ago
RE: Estimated time » is not a number
Delete member Anders Malmgren 2008-03-11 11:06 1 Added by Anders Malmgren over 16 years ago
RE: Delete member
Content type problem Anders Malmgren 2008-03-11 14:24 0
Showing CVS file modifications Daniel Berger 2008-03-12 05:50 0
Possible LDAP Security Flaw.. feedback wanted. Marcus Schmidt 2008-03-11 23:18 4 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Possible LDAP Security Flaw.. feedback wanted.
Issue update on Redmine Fernando Kosh 2008-03-12 17:09 3 Added by Fernando Kosh over 16 years ago
RE: Issue update on Redmine
Can't log in to John Goerzen 2008-03-13 22:47 2 Added by John Goerzen over 16 years ago
RE: Can't log in to
Help: No "New issue" tab! YA Chris 2008-03-14 14:17 8 Added by YA Chris over 16 years ago
RE: Help: No "New issue" tab!
Where to get this Theme ? Maxim Krušina 2008-03-13 08:20 6 Added by Maxim Krušina over 16 years ago
RE: Where to get this Theme ?
Settings questions John Goerzen 2008-03-14 14:42 5 Added by Eric Davis over 16 years ago
RE: Settings questions
How modify a redmine task with an external application ? SOAP ? XML-RPC ? Marc BUILS 2008-03-17 18:36 1 Added by Thomas Löber over 16 years ago
RE: How modify a redmine task with an external applicatio...
Project Identifiers in project URLs Andrew Hamilton 2008-03-18 00:28 1 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Project Identifiers in project URLs
duplicate issue bart burkhardt 2008-03-19 13:51 2 Added by bart burkhardt over 16 years ago
RE: duplicate issue
Fine grained user permissions Charles L 2008-03-18 07:27 3 Added by Jos Yule over 16 years ago
RE: Fine grained user permissions
export to pdf only shows the default issue columns bart burkhardt 2008-03-19 14:30 0
Email notification does not working for News added and Document added Praphan Theeravanvilai 2008-03-20 02:59 0
Redmine install help needed! Russell Robinson 2008-03-20 16:30 1 Added by Eric Davis over 16 years ago
RE: Redmine install help needed!
How to clear previous revision information form Redmine "Repository" ? TK Lew 2008-03-17 17:42 1 Added by Eric Davis over 16 years ago
RE: How to clear previous revision information form Redmi...
Are Plugins Working Differently In Trunk? Jim Mulholland 2008-03-19 21:33 6 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Are Plugins Working Differently In Trunk?
Header and Footer Allan Melsen 2008-03-22 08:27 1 Added by Allan Melsen over 16 years ago
RE: Header and Footer
Cannot make favicon.ico to show - what am I doing wrong? Allan Melsen 2008-03-23 10:09 1 Added by Allan Melsen over 16 years ago
RE: Cannot make favicon.ico to show - what am I doing wrong?
installing redmine on shared hosting (application error) Ben Zo 2008-03-11 17:24 2 Added by Brad Miller over 16 years ago
RE: installing redmine on shared hosting (application error)
Issue list with description Ricardo Trindade 2008-03-24 10:39 0
Viewing time entries for a single task? M T 2008-03-24 09:08 2 Added by M T over 16 years ago
RE: Viewing time entries for a single task?
Email notification to several people Ina Lohr 2008-03-18 10:41 5 Added by Ina Lohr over 16 years ago
RE: Email notification to several people
Changing localhost:3000 ??! Allan Melsen 2008-03-21 19:54 4 Added by Antti Perkiömäki over 16 years ago
RE: Changing localhost:3000 ??!
Anyone using Oracle? Mark Thomas 2008-03-25 15:22 4 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: Anyone using Oracle?
Exception: Undefined method Description in Attachment M T 2008-03-25 14:27 2 Added by M T over 16 years ago
RE: Exception: Undefined method Description in Attachment
sub-project's Versions is not shown on parent-project's gantt chart shirou kaieda 2008-03-26 03:00 0
Filter issues with querystrings? remi taylor 2008-03-27 01:10 0
Add new substitution rules to wiki Norbert Wenzel 2008-03-26 17:48 1 Added by Carl Nygard over 16 years ago
RE: Add new substitution rules to wiki
redmine in apache Carl Nygard 2008-03-27 15:14 2 Added by Carl Nygard over 16 years ago
RE: redmine in apache
repository browse missing Carl Nygard 2008-03-27 07:37 1 Added by Carl Nygard over 16 years ago
RE: repository browse missing
How to activate atom feed? Joong Lee 2008-03-28 01:50 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: How to activate atom feed?
How multi-select of tickets works? Maxim Krušina 2008-03-28 13:41 2 Added by Maxim Krušina over 16 years ago
RE: How multi-select of tickets works?
First Oracle Experiences: not bad Mario Haupt 2008-03-29 15:31 3 Added by Mario Haupt over 16 years ago
RE: First Oracle Experiences: not bad
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L] line in .htaccess ruins access to .css files. Allan Melsen 2008-03-31 09:47 0
Need help desperately.... What would make a redmine site looks like this? Allan Melsen 2008-03-27 11:56 9 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: Need help desperately.... What would make a redmine s...
Connecting to CVS repository John Z 2008-03-31 21:53 0
Editing multiple bugs fails - only the last selected bug is edited Dan Frost 2008-03-31 18:42 3 Added by Dan Frost over 16 years ago
RE: Editing multiple bugs fails - only the last selected ...
is it possible to install redmine without root privilege ? Joachim Wuttke 2008-04-03 15:38 2 Added by John Goerzen over 16 years ago
RE: is it possible to install redmine without root privil...
Multiple Target version for an issue ? Herve MORILLON 2008-04-03 19:22 0
Style in exported HTML documents Herve MORILLON 2008-04-03 19:37 0
rmagick install on RHEL4 Joong Lee 2008-04-02 16:13 1 Added by Sascha Egerer over 16 years ago
RE: rmagick install on RHEL4
Trouble With Upgrading Chris Leonard 2008-03-30 18:24 5 Added by Chris Leonard over 16 years ago
RE: Trouble With Upgrading
changing comments in svn to fix errors in issue linking Clay McCoy 2008-04-05 18:45 2 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: changing comments in svn to fix errors in issue linking
Project Status / File Attachements question Daniel Chu 2008-04-04 23:25 2 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: Project Status / File Attachements question
Ruby help needed Herve MORILLON 2008-04-08 11:56 1 Added by Herve MORILLON over 16 years ago
RE: Ruby help needed
LDAP Not valid users jhony gonzalez 2008-04-01 20:52 5 Added by Jason Milkins over 16 years ago
RE: LDAP Not valid users
viewing repository Alex Talbott 2008-04-10 17:02 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: viewing repository
Redmine On the fly user creation jhony gonzalez 2008-04-04 22:31 4 Added by F. D. Castel over 16 years ago
RE: Redmine On the fly user creation
Wiki question Kevin DeHoff 2008-04-11 18:34 2 Added by Kevin DeHoff over 16 years ago
RE: Wiki question
setting up context root dinesh kumar 2008-04-12 09:44 1 Added by Thomas Löber over 16 years ago
RE: setting up context root
CI Plugin with Husdon Eamonn O'Connell 2008-04-09 18:41 4 Added by Eamonn O'Connell over 16 years ago
RE: CI Plugin with Husdon
New Project Homepage too long Julien Eluard 2008-04-15 17:21 0
table in a wiki page Alex Talbott 2008-04-10 16:51 1 Added by Bidule Chouet over 16 years ago
RE: table in a wiki page
How to format a blank cell in table, the cells with content keep shift left to replace the blank cell Praphan Theeravanvilai 2008-04-16 04:07 0
Deleting version failed Maxim Krušina 2008-04-15 21:09 1 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Deleting version failed
Error when accessing local svn repo Joong Lee 2008-04-15 19:50 1 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Error when accessing local svn repo
code browser Edvin Seferovic 2008-03-18 08:19 3 Added by Justin Grevich over 16 years ago
RE: code browser
moving redmine to another server Alex Fichter 2008-04-17 16:20 6 Added by Alex Fichter over 16 years ago
RE: moving redmine to another server
namespace routing error Lufl T 2008-04-18 11:59 0
Link in Welcome Text Jay Broughton 2008-04-18 21:23 1 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Link in Welcome Text
the encription redmine jhony gonzalez 2008-04-21 20:45 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: the encription redmine
activity field in log time is requried but blank Alex Fichter 2008-04-21 22:39 1 Added by Alex Fichter over 16 years ago
RE: activity field in log time is requried but blank
upgrade from 0.5.1 to 0.6.4 (err me too) Jeff Boehmer 2008-04-22 19:10 3 Added by Jeff Boehmer over 16 years ago
RE: upgrade from 0.5.1 to 0.6.4 (err me too)
SVN Problem Christian K 2008-04-22 08:05 3 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: SVN Problem
redmine very slow to respond when submiting issues dan julius 2008-04-23 12:21 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: redmine very slow to respond when submiting issues
Wiki help - double colon Daniel Berger 2008-04-23 13:10 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: Wiki help - double colon
pdf-Export for changelog.rhtml Nico Schuetze 2008-04-23 14:24 0
Error when viewing Repository daniel aurel 2008-04-24 11:26 0
Adding new tabs under the redmine "home" page Mika Laitio 2008-04-23 17:24 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: Adding new tabs under the redmine "home" page
Data have been updated by another user Daniel Stine 2008-04-17 19:43 4 Added by Daniel Stine over 16 years ago
RE: Data have been updated by another user
Changing a project identifier? Andreas Neuhaus 2008-03-26 23:22 6 Added by Andreas Neuhaus over 16 years ago
RE: Changing a project identifier?
Problem with Plugin Engines Andy L 2008-04-25 22:59 1 Added by Andy L over 16 years ago
RE: Problem with Plugin Engines
how to make log time as mandentory when issue or bug status is changed dinesh kumar 2008-04-26 07:37 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: how to make log time as mandentory when issue or bug ...
How "Related issues" works exactly? Maxim Krušina 2008-03-19 15:46 5 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: RE: RE: How "Related issues" works exactly?
upgrade from 0.5.1 to 0.6.4 / 0.7 ron nor 2008-04-22 00:14 5 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: RE: upgrade from 0.5.1 to 0.6.4 / 0.7
admin login doesn't bring me welcome page youngseok yi 2008-04-25 17:50 5 Added by youngseok yi over 16 years ago
RE: RE: RE: admin login doesn't bring me welcome page
Migration Mantis - Redmine franck WILLEMAIN 2008-04-28 14:55 3 Added by Carl Nygard over 16 years ago
RE: RE: Migration Mantis - Redmine
redmine installation problems nat es 2008-04-28 22:46 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: redmine installation problems
Repository Problem Andy L 2008-04-24 04:05 3 Added by Andy L over 16 years ago
RE: Repository Problem
How show only projects, where the user is a party Sergey Generalov 2008-04-30 07:54 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: How show only projects, where the user is a party
Installing redmine on dreamhost natalia natalia 2008-04-29 20:07 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
RE: Installing redmine on dreamhost
0.6.x to 0.7 error 404 trying to view a project Xavier Normand 2008-04-29 15:35 4 Added by Xavier Normand over 16 years ago
RE: 0.6.x to 0.7 error 404 trying to view a project
Upgrade from v0.6.1 to v0.7.0 RC1 - 500 Error Ian Tyndall 2008-04-23 16:49 7 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Upgrade from v0.6.1 to v0.7.0 RC1 - 500 Error
How can I contribute to the Wiki? Calvin Cheng 2008-05-01 18:01 0
Mercurial Jay Stramel 2008-05-01 06:49 2 Added by Jay Stramel over 16 years ago
RE: Mercurial
how to connect a ticket with a repository-revision Marco Tralles 2008-05-01 19:03 2 Added by Marco Tralles over 16 years ago
RE: how to connect a ticket with a repository-revision
Help with svn repository Eric klopfer 2008-04-30 15:46 7 Added by Eric klopfer over 16 years ago
RE: Help with svn repository
Login page not shown when no public projects - 0.7 stable Hubert Matthews 2008-05-02 13:09 1 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago
RE: Login page not shown when no public projects - 0.7 st...
Wiki formatting - little correction/contribution Ronie Henrich 2008-05-03 15:42 0
Upgrading from 0.6.x to 0.7 Geordee Naliyath 2008-04-29 14:29 5 Added by Geordee Naliyath over 16 years ago
RE: Upgrading from 0.6.x to 0.7
Redmine extremely slow after upgrading to 0.7 João Saleiro 2008-05-05 17:34 1 Added by Adam Knight over 16 years ago
RE: Redmine extremely slow after upgrading to 0.7
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