



Plugin List » History » Revision 215

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Brian Wells, 2010-04-24 06:01

Redmine plugin list

This is a directory of the available plugins for Redmine, sorted in an alphabetical order. There exists a legend of the information listed in the respective plugin entry fields.
General information about Redmine plugins and how to install them into your Redmine can be found at Plugins.


Advanced Roadmap plugin

Arch Decisions plugin

Auto-close Resolved issues plugin


Backlogs plugin

Bitbucket Hook plugin

Blog plugin

Bots Filter plugin

Budget plugin

Bugcloud plugin

Bulk Time Entry plugin


Campfire Notifications plugin

Charts plugin

Chat plugin

Checkout plugin

Code Book plugin

Code Review plugin

Collapse plugin

Customer plugin


Developer Rates plugin

Diff Email plugin


Effort-Estimate plugin

Embedded plugin

Enterprise Architect plugin

Exception Handler plugin

ezFAQ plugin

ezFtpSearch plugin

ezLibrarian plugin

ezSidebar plugin

ezSummary plugin


Favicon plugin


Gems plugin

Github Hook plugin

Gitosis plugin

Global Filter plugin

Google Analytics plugin

Google Calendar plugin

Graphs plugin



Hide Emails by Default

Hoptoad Server plugin

Howling Mine

Hudson plugin


Importer plugin

  • Importer is a plugin which imports user data from CSV files. The packaged source can be downloaded from here.

Isotrol Estimer plugin

Isotrol RequMNGT plugin

Isotrol RiskMNGT plugin

Issue Due Date plugin

Issue Group plugin


No entries.


Kanban plugin

L plugin

Libsvn Subversion Adapter

Local Avatars plugin


Mac OS X Identity Services plugin

Markdown formatter plugin

Markdown Extra formatter plugin

Menu Link plugin

Messenger plugin

My Effort plugin

My Widgets plugin


New Issue Alerts plugin

Niko-niko Calender plugin

Node management plugin


No entries.


Projects Approval plugin

Project Scores plugin

Projects Tree View plugin

  • Projects Tree View is a plugin which turns the projects index view into a tree view that can be expanded and collapsed.
    • Author: _Chris Peterson_
    • Latest release: 0.0.2, 2009-03-31
    • Compatible with: Redmine Trunk (using workaround)
    • Public SCM: n/a
    • Public ITS: n/a

Parking Lot Chart Plugin


Question plugin


Rate plugin

RD formatter plugin

Redmine Stealth plugin

  • Redmine Stealth plugin is like a mute button for Redmine notification emails. Activate stealth mode and your actions on Redmine (e.g. updating issues or wiki content) will not generate any emails. This would be a good time to do a bulk update on issues without overflowing your client's inbox. Other users' actions continue to generate email as configured. Deactivate stealth mode, and everything is back to normal. Stealth mode permission may be restricted to certain roles.


Repo Pygments plugin

  • Repo Pygments is a plugin which allows using Pygments as a highlight tool for repository files.
    • Author: _Jongliang Zhang_
    • Latest release: 0.0.2, 2009-06-15
    • Compatible with: ???
    • Public SCM: n/a
    • Public ITS: n/a

Repository Controls plugin

Require Closing Note plugin

Resources plugin

reStrcuturedText formatter plugin


S3 plugin

Schedules plugin

Screenshot Paste plugin

Scrumdashboard plugin

Scrum PM plugin

  • Scrum PM is a plugin for Redmine for Scrum project management. Redmine Version class becomes a sprint and issue becomes task. Most actions support drag and drop, eg. dashboard where you can change status of your task simply by draging it to another column.

Simple CI plugin

Single Project Forward

Status Updates plugin

Stuff To Do plugin

Subtasks plugin

System Notification plugin


Tab plugin

Thumbnails plugin

Timesheet plugin

TimeTracker plugin

Todo Lists plugin


Ultraviolet Syntax Highlighting Engine

User Import plugin

  • User Import is a another plugin which imports user data from CSV files (based on Importer plugin).
    • Author: _Hiroyuki Shirakawa_
    • Latest release: 0.0.1, 2009-06-13
    • Compatible with: Redmine 0.8.x
    • Public SCM: n/a
    • Public ITS: n/a


Vote plugin

Version Burndown Charts Plugin


Whining plugin

WikiCreole Formatter plugin

Wiki Extensions plugin

Wiki External Filter plugin

Wiki Graphviz plugin

Wiki Index Collapsable

Wiki Issue Details

Wiki Permissions plugin

Workload plugin


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.

Updated by Brian Wells over 14 years ago · 215 revisions locked