


Open discussion

General discussion

Subject Author Created Replies Last message
Can specific user logins be restricted to certain ports? (or, how to allow logins from outside firewall, but restrict administrator access to inside firewall) Chris Metzler 2019-03-04 22:55 0
Upgrade to redmine 4.0.1 administrator can´t edit issue comment tchek tchek 2019-03-01 13:41 4 Added by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
RE: Upgrade to redmine 4.0.1 administrator can´t edit iss...
redmine incomming mail add <custom_field> to subject if it exist Ninja Ya 2019-03-06 12:14 0
Projects getting assigned automatically after user creation mahesh m 2019-03-11 12:06 4 Added by mahesh m over 5 years ago
RE: Projects getting assigned automatically after user cr...
I have an error with Backlogs plugin in Redmine Mathieu POGEANT 2019-03-15 08:40 0
SSO Redmine - Microsoft AD Nada Prvulovic 2019-02-21 13:36 2 Added by Greg Lewsza over 5 years ago
RE: SSO Redmine - Microsoft AD
Notification - Forum Mickael Gautheron 2019-03-18 08:57 0
redmine2.3 CVE-2014-0160 CVE-2015-2808 CVE-2014-3566 problem lin qiang 2019-03-18 03:58 2 Added by Hinako Tajima over 5 years ago
RE: redmine2.3 CVE-2014-0160 CVE-2015-2808 CVE-2014-356...
What is Redmine stance/philosophy on "Time tracking" ? Michael A 2019-02-26 08:40 1 Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 5 years ago
RE: What is Redmine stance/philosophy on "Time tracking" ?
how to set open discussion? Toby Xu 2019-03-18 17:18 2 Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 5 years ago
RE: how to set open discussion?
Target version in Subtasks and Related issues Xavier Vidal 2019-03-21 17:48 1 Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 5 years ago
RE: Target version in Subtasks and Related issues
How to disable individual notification mails Aleksandr Viktorkin 2019-03-22 18:03 1 Added by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
RE: How to disable individual notification mails
redmine rest api - can we use operator > for int values ? get new issues from id. kerz kerz 2019-03-28 12:09 2 Added by kerz kerz over 5 years ago
RE: redmine rest api - can we use operator > for int valu...
Integration with GuardianKey Paulo Angelo 2019-03-30 22:43 0
Redmine version of Mario Rossi 2019-03-13 09:49 1 Added by Jan from Planio over 5 years ago
RE: Redmine version of
is it possible to recover deleted issues mark f 2019-03-29 14:26 2 Added by mark f over 5 years ago
RE: is it possible to recover deleted issues
How to prevent attachments from being dl'd w/o password? (nginx, puma) Alex Strasheim 2019-04-08 19:26 0
User custom field in Redmine time spent report as column. Ioan Mihaila 2019-02-21 13:11 1 Added by Purvi Desai over 5 years ago
RE: User custom field in Redmine time spent report as col...
Make an issue read-only Doruk Fişek 2019-03-22 20:55 2 Added by Doruk Fişek over 5 years ago
RE: Make an issue read-only
why rest api cannot login to Redmine site(check Enable REST API web service) yongsheng li 2019-04-16 05:44 0
[Redmine 4.0.3], wiki, file link not longer working Gerhard . 2019-04-15 13:25 1 Added by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
RE: [Redmine 4.0.3], wiki, file link not longer working
issues_pdf_helper.rb add a "signature" rectangle Luca Malatesta 2019-04-16 11:10 0
[Redmine 4.0.2] Undefine method "alias_method_chain" Rails 5 upgrade Tu Nguyen Duy 2019-04-08 10:09 2 Added by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
RE: [Redmine 4.0.2] Undefine method "alias_method_chain" ...
Delete of comment from Closed ticket leads to deletion of a ticket Anonymous 2019-04-22 14:44 0
Redmine doesn't show cyrillic on text preview Alex Polevskyy 2019-04-25 11:11 2 Added by Alex Polevskyy over 5 years ago
RE: Redmine doesn't show cyrillic on text preview
Backing up my Redmine database Heera Thakur 2019-02-07 09:34 2 Added by Enie Kelvin over 5 years ago
RE: Backing up my Redmine database
How to group custom fields for a particular tracker Gayathri Mathivanan 2019-04-29 07:31 0
Need project custom field to be displayed while viewing issues. Gayathri Mathivanan 2019-04-29 12:36 0
Cannot add new tracker to user story youssef ch 2019-05-06 15:25 0
Creation of redmine wiki gayathri m 2019-05-08 04:05 1 Added by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago
RE: Creation of redmine wiki Ilija Ivanovski 2019-05-08 10:59 2 Added by Ilija Ivanovski over 5 years ago
problem http link Jean-Baptiste Sempastous 2019-05-09 10:46 0
Message history sort order Kalle Nilsson 2008-04-25 11:49 3 Added by Hiroaki Tanaka over 5 years ago
RE: Message history sort order
Request Tracker to Redmine migration Tamilventhan Sella 2016-10-11 16:23 3 Added by Fabrizio Sebastiani over 5 years ago
RE: Request Tracker to Redmine migration
Fresh 4.0.3 install fails on Ubuntu 18.04, ruby 2.5.x & 2.6.x Ben Blanco 2019-05-06 18:45 1 Added by Leon C over 5 years ago
RE: Fresh 4.0.3 install fails on Ubuntu 18.04, ruby 2.5.x...
Extended field plugin is not working in redmine verion 3.4.5 gayathri m 2019-05-13 08:52 0
Which VPN is Fitting For You? Edwinhaism Edwinhaism 2019-05-14 19:32 0
In Redmine, Is this possible to filter any Bug, Issues etc between two different time (time to time) Amit Pustode 2019-05-03 16:48 2 Added by Amit Pustode over 5 years ago
RE: In Redmine, Is this possible to filter any Bug, Issue...
Docx attachment error Awanish Ranjan 2019-05-17 16:55 0
How to transfer data from Redmine 2 to Redmine 4 Rtep Athelav 2019-05-20 11:05 0
About "Sending reminder emails" function CC to manager email Sam Lin 2019-05-21 10:19 0
Issue # reset per Redmine project Jon Canty 2019-05-21 18:43 0
Redmine web page not working and displaying directory contents Hector Vazquez 2019-05-30 18:57 0
Keep issue status when processing commit messages Stefan Zugal 2019-05-17 08:53 2 Added by Stefan Zugal over 5 years ago
RE: Keep issue status when processing commit messages
Ruby on Rails application could not be started G P 2019-06-07 09:24 0
Error assigning a task to a user whose role does not allow it Miguel Rodriguez Hernando 2019-06-10 16:55 0
how can install redmine without internet connection ?? major ghz 2012-10-23 19:31 5 Added by Ben Kuo over 5 years ago
RE: how can install redmine without internet connection ??
How to open a new project? Emil Ab. 2019-03-17 10:50 6 Added by tom platz over 5 years ago
RE: How to open a new project?
In redmine plugin get issues update note roy mickson 2019-07-07 11:28 0
We need Admin Project view like copy project and tree strusture of project in Project Manager role Nayana Kardile 2019-07-11 08:59 1 Added by Nayana Kardile about 5 years ago
RE: We need Admin Project view like copy project and tree...
Redmine and OpenProject Christian Schnabl 2018-07-26 10:47 6 Added by Matthew Paul about 5 years ago
RE: Redmine and OpenProject
Failure Upgrade from 3.3.4 to 4.0.2 on db:migrate Hofei - 2019-03-25 10:56 7 Added by vivek kachhwaha about 5 years ago
RE: Failure Upgrade from 3.3.4 to 4.0.2 on db:migrate
How to select all projects when create the new issue Steven Qian 2019-07-15 16:44 4 Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 5 years ago
RE: How to select all projects when create the new issue
External links in redmine Nigan Khan 2019-07-19 13:34 1 Added by Ivan Cenov about 5 years ago
RE: External links in redmine
Previous versions of Bitnami Redmine Stack Installer Sergey Doroshenkov 2019-07-22 17:26 0
Integration Redmine + VisualSVN marcos souza 2019-07-22 20:43 0
Define custom automated workflow Benjamin Kiepke 2019-07-17 07:16 5 Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 5 years ago
RE: Define custom automated workflow
Restrict issue creation to specific user type Pablo Bleyer 2010-07-01 19:12 7 Added by Taine Woo about 5 years ago
RE: Restrict issue creation to specific user type
Cant change status of a issue Sergio Oliveira de Lima Filho 2019-07-29 21:00 1 Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 5 years ago
RE: Cant change status of a issue
Track project/issue progress or delay in Man-days Akash Goyal 2019-07-23 07:36 2 Added by Akash Goyal about 5 years ago
RE: Track project/issue progress or delay in Man-days
How to disable notification mails? david mathews 2019-08-04 14:16 0
After upgrade from 3.2.0 to 4.0.4 Could not find rake-12.3.3 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) Knut Krüger 2019-08-15 16:54 0
redMine PM can't change the status Willow Willow 2018-08-27 11:44 4 Added by Knut Krüger about 5 years ago
RE: redMine PM can't change the status
How to install redmine on linux server Syed Faisal Zaidi 2019-08-05 16:28 1 Added by Anonymous about 5 years ago
RE: How to install redmine on linux server
Question: can't find option: notification on email to boss if the task is not completed on time. Alex Fedkov 2019-06-04 10:06 1 Added by RedChris B. about 5 years ago
RE: Question: can't find option: notification on email to...
How to extend the capacity of hard drive after HDD added. Chien-Sheng Chen 2019-08-19 02:19 1 Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 5 years ago
RE: How to extend the capacity of hard drive after HDD ad...
Issue creation via email works, updating issues does not? Anonymous 2019-08-19 11:15 1 Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 5 years ago
RE: Issue creation via email works, updating issues does ...
Error Time Entries upgrade redmine version 2.3.2 to 4.0 Adauto Serpa 2019-08-21 18:28 0
issue_status_id Breno Pereira 2019-08-28 21:37 0
Custom fields problems rodrigo reginato 2019-08-21 00:05 7 Added by bokholef fouad about 5 years ago
RE: Custom fields problems
We're sorry, but something went wrong. john karippery 2019-08-30 14:28 0
Redmine Plugin offering change status date ? S SE 2019-08-23 10:55 7 Added by S SE about 5 years ago
RE: Redmine Plugin offering change status date ?
Urgent: Will Redmine ever get a properly made UI? Anonymous 2018-12-13 15:25 1 Added by Greg Lewsza about 5 years ago
RE: Urgent: Will Redmine ever get a properly made UI?
how do i use redmine online? net one 2009-12-03 01:37 5 Added by Greg Lewsza about 5 years ago
RE: how do i use redmine online?
Redmine and OpenProject Jhon Micky 2019-07-19 10:14 2 Added by Greg Lewsza about 5 years ago
RE: Redmine and OpenProject
Redmine as project management for non software development? Eugen Zwetzich 2018-11-16 10:53 5 Added by Greg Lewsza about 5 years ago
RE: Redmine as project management for non software develo...
Problems with SVN and old SSL protocols on Ian Walker 2019-04-16 10:43 1 Added by Karel Pičman about 5 years ago
RE: Problems with SVN and old SSL protocols on svn.redmin...
In the status drop down list few issue statuses are missing Chandni Naidu 2019-09-05 08:16 2 Added by Chandni Naidu about 5 years ago
RE: In the status drop down list few issue statuses are m...
Backup and restore Naresh Kumar Narayanan 2019-09-14 00:54 1 Added by Naresh Kumar Narayanan about 5 years ago
RE: Backup and restore
Issues query optimization. How to redefine scope? Sergei Popov 2019-09-16 22:30 0
Redmine query optimizations Aleksandar Pavic 2019-09-09 12:24 2 Added by Sergei Popov about 5 years ago
RE: Redmine query optimizations
REST API reopen project Pawel Szafer 2019-09-24 11:05 0
Google Sheet integration Akash Goyal 2019-09-25 06:48 0
xyz2grd: More than 1 records, only 1 was expected (aborting)! aakash anand 2019-09-26 08:18 0
Overriding AUTHOR and SUBJECT with mailhandler (import) Joaquim Homrighausen 2019-10-02 14:41 0
How can redmine be nested within an iframe star super 2019-10-11 03:46 0
How to change the mail notification template? jie yang 2019-10-16 08:08 0
Project configuration Luigi Suardi 2019-09-25 16:13 2 Added by Luigi Suardi almost 5 years ago
RE: Project configuration
can't access with subdirectories aMINE EDDAR 2019-10-16 11:48 0
Custom Field Formats for Passwords in Project Settings Jay Trombley 2019-10-18 18:40 0
Your opinion on the best project management and version control combo for a startup. Jim Kooper 2019-10-18 13:17 3 Added by Dominik Ras almost 5 years ago
RE: Your opinion on the best project management and versi...
Database migration Ralf Gebhart 2010-02-04 15:17 8 Added by john karippery almost 5 years ago
RE: Database migration
Git Repository error 403 Gabriele Fain 2019-10-23 00:26 0
Relating an issue to multiple projects Cyle Witruk 2011-02-24 10:12 4 Added by Sandro Speth almost 5 years ago
RE: Relating an issue to multiple projects
Get total hours by fixed version REST API MAROUANE YAAGOUB 2019-10-11 12:02 4 Added by Go MAEDA almost 5 years ago
RE: Get total hours by fixed version REST API
Sqlite to Postgresql migration john karippery 2019-10-22 15:57 2 Added by john karippery almost 5 years ago
RE: Sqlite to Postgresql migration
Group results is different between MySQL and PostgreSQL Simon Hori 2019-11-04 02:44 2 Added by Simon Hori almost 5 years ago
RE: Group results is different between MySQL and PostgreSQL
Problem with Redmine e-mail notifications through Exchange Online using modern authentication betty stolwyk 2019-11-05 00:24 0
Redmine on IIS8 to be exposed on my web domain Raffaele Forgione 2019-11-12 15:28 0
Project Management Institute PMP 35 hours training with Redmine PMP Training 2019-11-14 09:20 0
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