


Open discussion

General discussion

Subject Author Created Replies Last message
Plugin Ideas Eric Davis 2008-08-22 07:41 5 Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago
RE: Plugin Ideas
Tutorial about redmine and eclipse mylyn integration baptiste manson 2008-08-25 10:54 5 Added by Oskar H over 15 years ago
RE: Tutorial about redmine and eclipse mylyn integration
Javascript bug in issue filtering Bjorn Solberg 2008-08-25 16:46 4 Added by Bjorn Solberg about 16 years ago
RE: Javascript bug in issue filtering
Features for 0.8.0 Ignacio Carrera 2008-08-25 22:54 4 Added by M T about 16 years ago
RE: Features for 0.8.0
trac import "Tracker expected, got NilClass" Peter Fitzgibbons 2008-08-25 23:02 1 Added by Jean-Philippe Lang about 16 years ago
RE: trac import "Tracker expected, got NilClass"
SVN Repositories Arthur Gressick 2008-08-26 16:08 0
Upgrading to latest Redmine from JumpBox Alan Hamilton 2008-08-26 16:20 1 Added by Kimbro Staken about 16 years ago
RE: Upgrading to latest Redmine from JumpBox
Finer grained access control through Lukas Heiniger 2008-08-27 11:11 2 Added by Nicolas Chuche about 16 years ago
RE: Finer grained access control through
Git wiki formatting of commit:"89abcdef" Peter Fitzgibbons 2008-08-27 19:09 1 Added by Simone Carletti about 16 years ago
RE: Git wiki formatting of commit:"89abcdef"
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/javascripts/all.js" with {:method=>:get}): Bjorn Solberg 2008-08-28 11:18 2 Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago
RE: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/ja...
Project->Settings --- Unable to add a new member Ken Lawrence 2008-08-29 11:05 1 Added by Bjorn Solberg about 16 years ago
RE: Project->Settings --- Unable to add a new member
What version do I need to get if the latest version of RubyGems I can use is 0.8.11 Eric Smith 2008-08-29 11:13 2 Added by Eric Smith about 16 years ago
RE: What version do I need to get if the latest version o...
Search not finding all issues Bjorn Solberg 2008-08-29 13:46 2 Added by Robert Hatfield almost 16 years ago
RE: Search not finding all issues
User Pain Prioritization 3D Systems 2008-08-29 19:18 4 Added by Théodore Biadala almost 14 years ago
RE: User Pain Prioritization and authentication Tapio Salonsaari 2008-09-04 10:01 4 Added by S C almost 16 years ago
RE: and authentication
Technical due diligence Lars P. 2008-09-05 09:32 0
undefined method `install_gem_spec_stubs' for #<Rails::Initializer Phillip Lahman 2008-09-06 16:29 1 Added by Phillip Lahman about 16 years ago
RE: undefined method `install_gem_spec_stubs' for #<Rails...
right-click functionality Brandon Blackmoor 2008-09-08 17:28 18 Added by Muntek Singh over 14 years ago
RE: right-click functionality
Why is Redmine so resource unaware? Simone Carletti 2008-09-08 18:54 2 Added by Simone Carletti about 16 years ago
RE: Why is Redmine so resource unaware?
New Plugim Samuel Koch 2008-09-08 22:32 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 16 years ago
RE: New Plugim
Plugin: Budget Plugin Eric Davis 2008-09-10 21:54 2 Added by Eric Davis about 16 years ago
RE: Plugin: Budget Plugin
I have write a redmine's toturial (pdf, 47pages) (only in Chinese), welcome to download Chaoqun Zou 2008-09-11 07:53 0
Difference between Wiki and Documents Paul Kudrle 2008-09-11 17:57 2 Added by Hyunchul Nah over 13 years ago
RE: Difference between Wiki and Documents
Starnge question -- maybe someone could help please Robert Sherman 2008-09-11 21:35 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier about 16 years ago
RE: Starnge question -- maybe someone could help please
Website / Plugin webpages David Ross 2008-09-16 00:42 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier about 16 years ago
RE: Website / Plugin webpages
Texuna Technologies fork at GitHub (continuation of #1650's issue-notes) Mischa The Evil 2008-09-16 03:34 6
Complex workflows Ingmar Heinrich 2008-09-16 09:43 2 Added by Ingmar Heinrich about 16 years ago
RE: Complex workflows
Date updated in the Redmine Project tracker Curtis Stewart 2008-09-16 13:02 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 16 years ago
RE: Date updated in the Redmine Project tracker
Maven plugin Julien Eluard 2008-09-17 15:44 6 Added by Michel Blavin over 9 years ago
RE: Maven plugin
Different theme for each project? Iñaki Baz Castillo 2008-09-18 15:56 2 Added by Thomas Lecavelier about 16 years ago
RE: Different theme for each project?
Repository Management Anonymous 2008-09-19 12:34 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 16 years ago
RE: Repository Management
Optimize redmine/apache when using SSL https Jesper Grann Laursen 2008-09-21 14:25 1 Added by Jesper Grann Laursen almost 16 years ago
RE: Optimize redmine/apache when using SSL https
New feature development Mauricio Miranda 2008-09-24 21:52 4 Added by Mauricio Miranda almost 16 years ago
RE: New feature development
Usability of Gantt Chart and Time Tracking M Solares 2008-09-25 05:59 7 Added by Stefan H Singer almost 14 years ago
RE: Usability of Gantt Chart and Time Tracking
what would be the best way to implement a knowledge base in redmine? sebastián scarano 2008-09-25 19:10 0
Mac OS X Identity Services Authentication Hack Brian Wells 2008-09-26 04:39 0
Issue statuses per Tracker Ingmar Heinrich 2008-09-26 12:18 0
Project templates Ingmar Heinrich 2008-09-26 12:38 5 Added by Oleg Lozinskij over 15 years ago
RE: Project templates
greater depth of Projects tree Ingmar Heinrich 2008-09-26 14:03 0
Import from Mants & trac => Duplicate user Jean-Jacques Mérillon 2008-09-28 00:16 0
Awesome SEO ;) Anonymous 2008-09-28 07:47 0
automatically relate a revision qwith an incident and viceversa... sebastián scarano 2008-09-29 22:57 1 Added by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago
RE: automatically relate a revision qwith an incident and...
Plugin: Google Analytics Plugin Eric Davis 2008-10-01 05:47 0
Importing from Trac - stable & reliable? And other questions Mike Stoddart 2008-10-02 16:40 3 Added by Karl Heinz Marbaise almost 16 years ago
RE: Importing from Trac - stable & reliable? And other qu...
How to have an unauthenticated process read Repository Atom feed? Mark Towfiq 2008-10-02 22:43 0
Synchronize redmine sites Jonas Forsslund 2008-10-05 18:42 1 Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago
RE: Synchronize redmine sites
Bulk Issue Creation Dara Kong 2008-10-05 23:56 4 Added by Nanda P about 15 years ago
RE: Bulk Issue Creation
about ISSUE edit Kun Su Pai 2008-10-07 03:20 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 16 years ago
RE: about ISSUE edit
hiding link to the parent site alex girchenko 2008-10-07 14:55 0
Redmine on a environment with devolopment process Weverton Morais 2008-10-09 18:49 2 Added by Weverton Morais almost 16 years ago
RE: Redmine on a environment with devolopment process
Cross-site scripting Aethedor the Mage 2008-10-10 09:32 0
Reposirtory subset Jesper Jonsson 2008-10-10 12:20 3 Added by Jesper Jonsson almost 16 years ago
RE: Reposirtory subset
Suggestion: darlan oliveira 2008-10-10 21:53 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 16 years ago
RE: Suggestion:
Apache + Phusion Passenger Celso Andrade 2008-10-10 22:47 1 Added by Sander Datema almost 16 years ago
RE: Apache + Phusion Passenger
Export time history to QuickBooks Laran Evans 2008-10-12 06:56 3 Added by Ahau Software almost 9 years ago
RE: Export time history to QuickBooks
Track projects and people by company Laran Evans 2008-10-12 07:18 2 Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago
RE: Track projects and people by company
Feature Request: Short-code for Priority Claudius Coenen 2008-10-15 11:36 2 Added by Claudius Coenen almost 16 years ago
RE: Feature Request: Short-code for Priority
Multiple sessions... Tyler Z 2008-10-16 19:33 3 Added by Tyler Z almost 16 years ago
RE: Multiple sessions...
Plugin Possibilities Marina Tarazanova 2008-10-16 19:48 1 Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago
RE: Plugin Possibilities
Integration with TortoiseSVN Konstantin Balashov 2008-10-19 13:26 1 Added by Karl Heinz Marbaise almost 16 years ago
RE: Integration with TortoiseSVN
Log In Jeff Dombach 2008-10-20 02:02 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 16 years ago
RE: Log In
Log time for other users Guilherme Schneider 2008-10-20 14:09 2 Added by Svenn Bjerkem almost 16 years ago
RE: Log time for other users
Set % done when logging time Guilherme Schneider 2008-10-20 14:36 0
Ability to filter Activities by initiator Vadym K 2008-10-20 18:43 3 Added by Vadym K almost 16 years ago
RE: Ability to filter Activities by initiator
How to set access control on public directory uthra Rao 2008-10-21 21:51 2 Added by uthra Rao almost 16 years ago
RE: How to set access control on public directory
Trac Migrations / Branch in Redmine Repository Karl Heinz Marbaise 2008-10-22 12:31 3 Added by Karl Heinz Marbaise almost 16 years ago
RE: Trac Migrations / Branch in Redmine Repository
Show us your themes! Wynn Netherland 2008-10-23 22:11 43 Added by dj jones over 10 years ago
RE: Show us your themes!
LDAP Projects integraion Roman Kamyk 2008-10-24 22:39 0
Implementing Some Unit Test / Fixing Some Patches etc. Karl Heinz Marbaise 2008-10-25 19:12 3 Added by Karl Heinz Marbaise almost 16 years ago
RE: Implementing Some Unit Test / Fixing Some Patches etc.
CAS plugin for Redmine thomas legrand 2008-10-28 14:38 3 Added by Mirek Rusin over 14 years ago
RE: CAS plugin for Redmine
First impressions of Redmine (feedback only) Tom Hollins 2008-10-28 16:26 0
Change status of issue in one action Vadym K 2008-10-29 14:18 3 Added by Vadym K almost 16 years ago
RE: Change status of issue in one action
Hosting recommendation? Peter Edstrom 2008-10-29 14:44 15 Added by Michael Stanek about 2 years ago
RE: Hosting recommendation?
SVN Integration and questions on permissions Overmind Eternal Will 2008-10-30 12:42 6 Added by Ahammad Fekri over 12 years ago
RE: SVN Integration and questions on permissions
How to assign many developers to one task? Vasia Pupking 2008-10-30 13:58 1 Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 16 years ago
RE: How to assign many developers to one task?
Customer Portal Jeff Lewis 2008-10-30 17:26 1 Added by Mike Ozornin almost 16 years ago
RE: Customer Portal
Redmine scalability and ETA for version 0.8 Rob Felix 2008-10-30 23:14 3 Added by Felix Kokocinski almost 16 years ago
RE: Redmine scalability and ETA for version 0.8
Forum not sengin emails Paul Szulc 2008-11-01 21:34 1 Added by Paul Szulc almost 16 years ago
RE: Forum not sengin emails
Plugins routes Jean-Baptiste Barth 2008-11-06 15:01 4 Added by Alexey Palazhchenko almost 14 years ago
RE: Plugins routes
Redmine demo Myriam Bastin 2008-11-06 16:49 8 Added by Ве Fio over 15 years ago
RE: Redmine demo
New Google Analytics Plugin that supports per-project tracking! Cyrus Amiri 2008-11-06 21:54 5 Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago
RE: New Google Analytics Plugin that supports per-project...
Donating To and Supporting Redmine Johnny Goodman 2008-11-09 04:24 6 Added by Arnaud Martel almost 16 years ago
RE: Donating To and Supporting Redmine
Plugin: Bulk Time Entry Plugin Eric Davis 2008-11-10 20:46 0
unified password control, svn and redmine users Sean Jensen-Grey 2008-11-11 04:47 4
Can I bug report for svn trunk version? Sangmin Ryu 2008-11-11 09:18 3 Added by Sangmin Ryu almost 16 years ago
RE: Can I bug report for svn trunk version?
How to personalize the project overview page? ceasar g 2008-11-12 09:50 0
Porject Templates ceasar g 2008-11-12 09:52 0
Displaying the name in LDAP ceasar g 2008-11-12 09:52 0
Translation procedure Adriano Crestani Campos 2008-11-14 08:34 0
Using OpenLDAP API instead Adriano Crestani Campos 2008-11-14 08:42 0
I've created a redmine plugin for Markdown -- now what do I do? Lary Baltz 2008-11-14 16:55 1 Added by Mischa The Evil about 15 years ago
RE: I've created a redmine plugin for Markdown -- now wha...
can a non-admin user create projects? Jeroen van Wissen 2008-11-15 10:37 5 Added by ylluminate . over 13 years ago
RE: can a non-admin user create projects?
How can I create another more URL in the email notification? Harry Yamamoto 2008-11-19 02:01 2 Added by Harry Yamamoto almost 16 years ago
RE: How can I create another more URL in the email notifi...
SVN Access Alexey Chepurnykh 2008-11-19 10:53 5 Added by Rafal W. over 15 years ago
RE: SVN Access
Newbie with Redmine Reynier Perez Mira 2008-11-20 00:35 4 Added by Reynier Perez Mira almost 16 years ago
RE: Newbie with Redmine
LDAP Authentication Martin Eckhardt 2008-11-20 09:02 15 Added by teru t almost 15 years ago
RE: LDAP Authentication
Status for #1245 Daniel Blendea 2008-11-20 12:51 0
annoying ssl warning messages running reposman Pablo Lerina 2008-11-20 14:16 1 Added by Pablo Lerina almost 16 years ago
RE: annoying ssl warning messages running reposman
How to get up Redmine every time my PC restart Reynier Perez Mira 2008-11-20 20:40 1 Added by Mike Ozornin almost 16 years ago
RE: How to get up Redmine every time my PC restart
Some problems with Redmine Reynier Perez Mira 2008-11-20 21:34 1 Added by Karl Heinz Marbaise almost 16 years ago
RE: Some problems with Redmine
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